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Extra Life

Extra Life

Regular price $250.00
Regular price Sale price $250.00
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Fate Points

Life in hard in Nordland, and often brutally short, so it’s best to have spares. This item adds a Fate Point to the sheet of a single End Times character, at an improved rate over using OC or the Learned Skill item above. It does not increase the character’s rank in Hand of Fate, so they are still free to buy that skill in addition should they so choose.

Variable Cost (based on the character’s current number of Fate Points):
0 FP → 1 FP = $250
1 FP→ 2 FP = $500
2 FP→ 3 FP = $750
3 FP→ 4 FP = $1000
4 FP→ 5 FP = $1250

Players may purchase this item multiple times (though the cost will increase each time as their current Fate Points increase).  This item may not raise a character's Fate Points above 5.

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