New Character Shop
These are the items available when you are creating a brand new character for your Fantasy Alive games. All prices are listed in Copper Pieces (CP). Items you'd like to purchase need to be listed with your character creation so that you receive the required item tags.
Item | Price - CP | Category |
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Gambeson Armour | 5 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Hardened Leather Armour | 11 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Leather Armour | 6 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Studded Leather Armour | 14 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Gambeson Armour | 40 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour | 78 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Leather Armour | 41 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour | 84 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.5 AP) Chain Armour | 33 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Chain Armour | 158 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (1 AP) Plate Armour | 86 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (1 AP) Scale Armour | 41 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (1.5 AP) MC Plate Armour | 306 | Armour |
0.5 Loc (1.5 AP) MC Scale Armour | 156 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Gambeson Armour | 9 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Hardened Leather Armour | 22 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Leather Armour | 12 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Studded Leather Armour | 28 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Gambeson Armour | 79 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour | 157 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Leather Armour | 82 | Armour |
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour | 168 | Armour |
1 Loc (1 AP) Chain Armour | 66 | Armour |
1 Loc (1.5 AP) MC Chain Armour | 316 | Armour |
1 Loc (2 AP) Plate Armour | 173 | Armour |
1 Loc (2 AP) Scale Armour | 83 | Armour |
1 Loc (3 AP) MC Plate Armour | 613 | Armour |
1 Loc (3 AP) MC Scale Armour | 313 | Armour |
10 Loc (10 AP) Chain Armour | 662 | Armour |
10 Loc (15 AP) MC Chain Armour | 3162 | Armour |
10 Loc (20 AP) Plate Armour | 1726 | Armour |
10 Loc (20 AP) Scale Armour | 826 | Armour |
10 Loc (30 AP) MC Plate Armour | 6126 | Armour |
10 Loc (30 AP) MC Scale Armour | 3126 | Armour |
10 Loc (5 AP) Gambeson Armour | 91 | Armour |
10 Loc (5 AP) Hardened Leather Armour | 218 | Armour |
10 Loc (5 AP) Leather Armour | 118 | Armour |
10 Loc (5 AP) Studded Leather Armour | 276 | Armour |
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Gambeson Armour | 791 | Armour |
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour | 1568 | Armour |
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Leather Armour | 818 | Armour |
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour | 1676 | Armour |
5 Loc (10 AP) Plate Armour | 863 | Armour |
5 Loc (10 AP) Scale Armour | 413 | Armour |
5 Loc (15 AP) MC Plate Armour | 3063 | Armour |
5 Loc (15 AP) MC Scale Armour | 1563 | Armour |
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Gambeson Armour | 45 | Armour |
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Hardened Leather Armour | 109 | Armour |
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Leather Armour | 59 | Armour |
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Studded Leather Armour | 138 | Armour |
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Gambeson Armour | 395 | Armour |
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour | 784 | Armour |
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Leather Armour | 409 | Armour |
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour | 838 | Armour |
5 Loc (5 AP) Chain Armour | 331 | Armour |
5 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Chain Armour | 1581 | Armour |
Buckler | 67 | Armour |
Buckler - MC | 472 | Armour |
Shield | 77 | Armour |
Shield - MC | 482 | Armour |
Alchemy Equipment | 169 | Equipment |
Bandage (20) | 15 | Equipment |
Bandage (4) | 3 | Equipment |
Candle (10) | 1 | Equipment |
Chain Links | 6 | Equipment |
Chain Links (10) | 60 | Equipment |
Chest | 42 | Equipment |
Cloth | 3 | Equipment |
Cloth (10) | 30 | Equipment |
Container | 3 | Equipment |
Container (10) | 30 | Equipment |
Cord | 9 | Equipment |
Cord (10) | 90 | Equipment |
Crystal | 18 | Equipment |
Crystal ball | 38 | Equipment |
Deck of Cards | 13 | Equipment |
Dice | 3 | Equipment |
Gem - Amethyst | 75 | Equipment |
Gem - Emerald | 500 | Equipment |
Gem - Garnet | 10 | Equipment |
Gem - Jade | 15 | Equipment |
Gem - Peridot | 750 | Equipment |
Gem - Quartz | 2 | Equipment |
Gem - Ruby | 200 | Equipment |
Gem - Sapphire | 50 | Equipment |
Gem - Topaz | 5 | Equipment |
Gold Bar | 2000 | Equipment |
Hardware | 8 | Equipment |
Hardware (10) | 80 | Equipment |
Hide | 3 | Equipment |
Hide (10) | 30 | Equipment |
Horse | 1000 | Equipment |
Hourglass | 43 | Equipment |
Iron | 7 | Equipment |
Iron (10) | 70 | Equipment |
Jewelry - Exquisite Gold | 660 | Equipment |
Jewelry - Exquisite Silver | 336 | Equipment |
Jewelry - MC Gold | 1860 | Equipment |
Jewelry - MC Silver | 1536 | Equipment |
Jewelry - Ornate Gold | 435 | Equipment |
Jewelry - Ornate Silver | 111 | Equipment |
Jewelry - Plain Gold | 373 | Equipment |
Jewelry - Plain Silver | 49 | Equipment |
Leather | 5 | Equipment |
Leather (10) | 50 | Equipment |
Leather Patching | 4 | Equipment |
Leather Patching (10) | 40 | Equipment |
Lumber | 8 | Equipment |
Lumber (10) | 80 | Equipment |
Metal Patching | 21 | Equipment |
Metal Patching (10) | 210 | Equipment |
Parchment (10) | 3 | Equipment |
Prism | 25 | Equipment |
Quill and Ink | 9 | Equipment |
Quill and Ink (10) | 90 | Equipment |
Rope | 14 | Equipment |
Rope (10) | 140 | Equipment |
Rune Stones | 13 | Equipment |
Shrine | 223 | Equipment |
Silver Bar | 200 | Equipment |
Spellbook | 9 | Equipment |
Stone | 6 | Equipment |
Stone (10) | 60 | Equipment |
Tools (Armour Smith) | 45 | Equipment |
Tools (Bowyer/Fletcher) | 45 | Equipment |
Tools (Craftsman) | 45 | Equipment |
Tools (Labourer) | 45 | Equipment |
Tools (Mechanic) | 45 | Equipment |
Tools (Physician) | 45 | Equipment |
Tools (Weapon Smith) | 45 | Equipment |
Wineskin | 8 | Equipment |
Wood | 3 | Equipment |
Wood (10) | 30 | Equipment |
Wool | 2 | Equipment |
Wool (10) | 20 | Equipment |
Acid - Formula | 413 | Formula |
Arcane Death - Formula | 1063 | Formula |
Arcane Ink - Formula | 175 | Formula |
Blade Oil - Formula | 413 | Formula |
Dragon Breath - Formula | 1063 | Formula |
Fire Oil - Formula | 175 | Formula |
Flameless Fire - Formula | 750 | Formula |
Flash Powder - Formula | 750 | Formula |
Gas Cloud - Formula | 413 | Formula |
Grease - Formula | 163 | Formula |
Harden Flesh - Formula | 413 | Formula |
Hovering Gas - Formula | 750 | Formula |
Illumination - Formula | 63 | Formula |
Lasting Ice - Formula | 413 | Formula |
Magical Absorbant - Formula | 750 | Formula |
Magical Litmus - Formula | 175 | Formula |
Mana Water - Formula | 763 | Formula |
Metal Polish - Formula | 63 | Formula |
Mysterious Goo - Formula | 413 | Formula |
Neutralizing Paste - Formula | 413 | Formula |
Spark - Formula | 63 | Formula |
Spectacular Reflection - Formula | 1063 | Formula |
Sticky Foot - Formula | 175 | Formula |
Thermal Gel - Formula | 175 | Formula |
Thunderstone - Formula | 1063 | Formula |
True metal - Formula | 175 | Formula |
Herb - Adders Tongue | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Adders Tongue (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Alkanet | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Alkanet (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Aloe | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Aloe (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Ash | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Ash (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Barberry | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Barberry (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Bastit | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Bastit (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Bishops Weed | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Bishops Weed (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Bittermourn | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Bittermourn (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Blackroot | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Blackroot (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Bloodmoss | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Bloodmoss (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Bullrush | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Bullrush (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Burdock | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Burdock (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Caffar | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Caffar (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Callin | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Callin (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Cats Tail | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Cats Tail (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Colewort | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Colewort (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Coltsfoot | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Coltsfoot (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Culkas | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Culkas (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Darnell | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Darnell (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Dog Weed | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Dog Weed (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Draff | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Draff (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Dragon Tears | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Dragon Tears (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Ebur | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Ebur (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Ergot | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Ergot (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Falsifal | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Falsifal (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Fetherfew | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Fetherfew (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Flax | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Flax (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Harfry | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Harfry (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Hemlock | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Hemlock (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Henbane | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Henbane (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Kathkusa | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Kathkusa (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Lungwort | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Lungwort (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Mandrake | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Mandrake (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Nightshade | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Nightshade (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Periwinkle | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Periwinkle (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Saffron | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Saffron (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Spider Venom | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Spider Venom (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Wolvesbane | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Wolvesbane (10) | 260 | Herb |
Herb - Woodrose | 26 | Herb |
Herb - Woodrose (10) | 260 | Herb |
Ingredient - Alum | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Alum (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Antimoni | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Antimoni (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Aqua Regia | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Aqua Regia (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Brimstone | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Brimstone (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Chamomile | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Chamomile (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Gum | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Gum (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Manganes | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Manganes (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Melanc Base | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Melanc Base (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Mithril Dust | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Mithril Dust (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Mondragora | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Mondragora (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Napatha | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Napatha (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Orpiment | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Orpiment (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Pitchblend | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Pitchblend (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - White Cinnabar | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - White Cinnabar (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Zinken | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Zinken (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Zinkenblend | 30 | Ingredient |
Ingredient - Zinkenblend (10) | 300 | Ingredient |
Choke Trap | 93 | Mechanical |
Dangle Trap | 333 | Mechanical |
Dead Fall Trap | 37 | Mechanical |
Fire Trap | 179 | Mechanical |
Foot Trap | 49 | Mechanical |
Hinge Trigger | 37 | Mechanical |
Lock - Level 1 | 48 | Mechanical |
Lock - Level 2 | 184 | Mechanical |
Lock - Level 3 | 420 | Mechanical |
Lock picks | 43 | Mechanical |
Pendulum Trap | 53 | Mechanical |
Pit Cover Trigger | 9 | Mechanical |
Pressure Trigger | 53 | Mechanical |
Reverse Pressure Trigger | 97 | Mechanical |
Reverse Trip Line Trigger | 37 | Mechanical |
Snare Trap | 40 | Mechanical |
Spray Trap | 132 | Mechanical |
Spring Snare Trap | 86 | Mechanical |
Tangle Trap | 262 | Mechanical |
Timed Trigger | 132 | Mechanical |
Tripline Trigger | 4 | Mechanical |
Tripped Timer Trigger | 200 | Mechanical |
Weapon Trap | 26 | Mechanical |
Acid - Mixture | 463 | Mixture - Alch |
Arcane Death - Mixture | 763 | Mixture - Alch |
Arcane Ink - Mixture | 328 | Mixture - Alch |
Blade Oil - Mixture | 476 | Mixture - Alch |
Dragon Breath - Mixture | 763 | Mixture - Alch |
Fire Oil - Mixture | 328 | Mixture - Alch |
Flameless Fire - Mixture | 626 | Mixture - Alch |
Flash Powder - Mixture | 661 | Mixture - Alch |
Gas Cloud - Mixture | 488 | Mixture - Alch |
Grease - Mixture | 438 | Mixture - Alch |
Harden Flesh - Mixture | 476 | Mixture - Alch |
Hovering Gas - Mixture | 626 | Mixture - Alch |
Illumination - Mixture | 238 | Mixture - Alch |
Lasting Ice - Mixture | 476 | Mixture - Alch |
Magical Absorbant - Mixture | 626 | Mixture - Alch |
Magical Litmus - Mixture | 328 | Mixture - Alch |
Mana Water - Mixture | 643 | Mixture - Alch |
Metal Polish - Mixture | 233 | Mixture - Alch |
Mysterious Goo - Mixture | 463 | Mixture - Alch |
Neutralizing Paste - Mixture | 463 | Mixture - Alch |
Spark - Mixture | 213 | Mixture - Alch |
Spectacular Reflection - Mixture | 821 | Mixture - Alch |
Sticky Foot - Mixture | 328 | Mixture - Alch |
Thermal Gel - Mixture | 328 | Mixture - Alch |
Thunderstone - Mixture | 723 | Mixture - Alch |
True metal - Mixture | 328 | Mixture - Alch |
Adrenal Rush - Mixture | 292 | Mixture - Herb |
Antidote - Mixture | 422 | Mixture - Herb |
Awakener - Mixture | 205 | Mixture - Herb |
Berserk - Mixture | 668 | Mixture - Herb |
Creeping Death - Mixture | 561 | Mixture - Herb |
Cure All - Mixture | 561 | Mixture - Herb |
Disease - Mixture | 561 | Mixture - Herb |
Energy Boost - Mixture | 210 | Mixture - Herb |
Euphoric - Mixture | 668 | Mixture - Herb |
False Death - Mixture | 292 | Mixture - Herb |
Greater Adrenal Rush - Mixture | 422 | Mixture - Herb |
Hallucinagen - Mixture | 561 | Mixture - Herb |
Healing Balm - Mixture | 210 | Mixture - Herb |
Heroes Last Stand - Mixture | 561 | Mixture - Herb |
Illness - Mixture | 422 | Mixture - Herb |
Immunity - Mixture | 668 | Mixture - Herb |
Intoxicant - Mixture | 205 | Mixture - Herb |
Leather Balm - Mixture | 200 | Mixture - Herb |
Leather Skin - Mixture | 409 | Mixture - Herb |
Lethal Poison - Mixture | 561 | Mixture - Herb |
Liquid Serenity - Mixture | 409 | Mixture - Herb |
Minor Illness - Mixture | 292 | Mixture - Herb |
Miracle Tonic - Mixture | 422 | Mixture - Herb |
Paralyze - Mixture | 668 | Mixture - Herb |
Silk Bag - Mixture | 292 | Mixture - Herb |
Sleep - Mixture | 561 | Mixture - Herb |
Slow Death - Mixture | 292 | Mixture - Herb |
Timber Oil - Mixture | 285 | Mixture - Herb |
Tongue Bind - Mixture | 422 | Mixture - Herb |
Toxin - Mixture | 292 | Mixture - Herb |
Wonder Tonic - Mixture | 285 | Mixture - Herb |
Adrenal Rush - Recipe | 175 | Recipe |
Antidote - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Awakener - Recipe | 63 | Recipe |
Berserk - Recipe | 1063 | Recipe |
Creeping Death - Recipe | 750 | Recipe |
Cure All - Recipe | 750 | Recipe |
Disease - Recipe | 750 | Recipe |
Energy Boost - Recipe | 63 | Recipe |
Euphoric - Recipe | 1063 | Recipe |
False Death - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Greater Adrenal Rush - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Hallucinagen - Recipe | 750 | Recipe |
Healing Balm - Recipe | 63 | Recipe |
Heroes Last Stand - Recipe | 750 | Recipe |
Illness - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Immunity - Recipe | 1063 | Recipe |
Intoxicant - Recipe | 63 | Recipe |
Leather Balm - Recipe | 63 | Recipe |
Leather Skin - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Lethal Poison - Recipe | 750 | Recipe |
Liquid Serenity - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Minor Illness - Recipe | 175 | Recipe |
Miracle Tonic - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Paralyze - Recipe | 1063 | Recipe |
Silk Bag - Recipe | 175 | Recipe |
Sleep - Recipe | 750 | Recipe |
Slow Death - Recipe | 175 | Recipe |
Timber Oil - Recipe | 175 | Recipe |
Tongue Bind - Recipe | 413 | Recipe |
Toxin - Recipe | 175 | Recipe |
Wonder Tonic - Recipe | 175 | Recipe |
Aid - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Air Shield - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Arcane Barrage - Scroll | 911 | Scroll |
Arcane Bolt - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Arcane Dart - Scroll | 531 | Scroll |
Arcane Lore - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Arcane Strike - Scroll | 723 | Scroll |
Aura of Protection - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Aura of Resistance - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Ball of Frost - Scroll | 723 | Scroll |
Barrier - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Barrier Pit - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Battle Rage - Scroll | 911 | Scroll |
Berserk - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Bind - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Bladeturn - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Bless - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Blindness - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Blink - Scroll | 1025 | Scroll |
Bolt of Frost - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Bramble Wall - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Bravery - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Champion - Scroll | 1177 | Scroll |
Charm - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Command - Scroll | 911 | Scroll |
Command Lesser Undead - Scroll | 1063 | Scroll |
Confine - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Corrode - Scroll | 1079 | Scroll |
Cure Blindness - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Death's Delving - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Detect Celestial - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Detect Curse - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Detect Enemies - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Detect Infernal - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Detect Magic - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Detect Poison - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Detect Undead - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Disarm - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Disease - Scroll | 873 | Scroll |
Dispel - Scroll | 1031 | Scroll |
Empower - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Enfeeble - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Extinguish - Scroll | 493 | Scroll |
False Eye - Scroll | 911 | Scroll |
Fear - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Find Things - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Fire Ball - Scroll | 723 | Scroll |
Fire Bolt - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Fire Dart - Scroll | 531 | Scroll |
Fire Storm - Scroll | 1031 | Scroll |
Flame Blade - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Flame Script - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Forbiddance - Scroll | 1063 | Scroll |
Fortify - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Fortunes of War - Scroll | 1025 | Scroll |
Frost Blade - Scroll | 761 | Scroll |
Frost Dart - Scroll | 531 | Scroll |
Grant Health - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Greater Mage Lock - Scroll | 987 | Scroll |
Hail Storm - Scroll | 1031 | Scroll |
Harm Undead - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Heal - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Holy Bolt - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Holy Dart - Scroll | 531 | Scroll |
Holy Smite - Scroll | 723 | Scroll |
Lend Health - Scroll | 531 | Scroll |
Lesser Mage Lock - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Light - Scroll | 493 | Scroll |
Lightning Bolt - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Mage Lock - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Magic Script - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Magic Stone - Scroll | 493 | Scroll |
Magic Vestment - Scroll | 949 | Scroll |
Mend body - Scroll | 911 | Scroll |
Mystic Chain - Scroll | 1063 | Scroll |
Mystic Hide - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Mystic Leather - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Mystic Robes - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Ogre Strength - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Open Greater Lock -Scroll | 797 | Scroll |
Open Lesser Lock - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Open Lock - Scroll | 721 | Scroll |
Open Portal - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Paralyze - Scroll | 911 | Scroll |
Pin - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Poison Strike - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Protection From Fire - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Protection From Frost - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Pull - Scroll | 653 | Scroll |
Purify - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Question - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Rebuke Undead - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Remove Charm - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Remove Curse - Scroll | 10140 | Scroll |
Remove Disease - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Remove Paralysis | 759 | Scroll |
Remove Poison - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Repair - Scroll | 567 | Scroll |
Repulse - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Resist Fire - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Resist Frost - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Restore Limb - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Restore Strength - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Resurrect - Scroll | 1405 | Scroll |
Scribe - Scroll | 911 | Scroll |
Shatter - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Sleep - Scroll | 1708 | Scroll |
Spark - Scroll | 569 | Scroll |
Speak to Dead - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Spell Shield - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Strength - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Stun - Scroll | 835 | Scroll |
Thorn Staff - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Translate - Scroll | 645 | Scroll |
Truth - Scroll | 759 | Scroll |
Unbind - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Unholy Bolt - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Unholy Dart - Scroll | 531 | Scroll |
Unholy Smite - Scroll | 723 | Scroll |
Venom Script - Scroll | 873 | Scroll |
Web - Scroll | 683 | Scroll |
Wind Message - Scroll | 607 | Scroll |
Aid - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Air Shield - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Arcane Barrage - Spell | 899 | Spell |
Arcane Bolt - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Arcane Dart - Spell | 509 | Spell |
Arcane Lore - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Arcane Strike - Spell | 671 | Spell |
Aura of Protection - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Aura of Resistance - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Ball of Frost - Spell | 671 | Spell |
Barrier - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Barrier Pit - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Battle Rage - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Berserk - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Bind - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Bladeturn - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Bless - Spell | 560 | Spell |
Blindness - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Blink - Spell | 938 | Spell |
Bolt of Frost - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Bramble Wall - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Bravery - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Champion - Spell | 1070 | Spell |
Charm - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Command - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Command Lesser Undead - Spell | 971 | Spell |
Confine - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Corrode - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Cure Blindness - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Death's Delving - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Detect Celestial - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Detect Curse - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Detect Enemies - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Detect Infernal - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Detect Magic - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Detect Poison - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Detect Undead - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Disarm - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Disease - Spell | 806 | Spell |
Dispel - Spell | 929 | Spell |
Empower - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Enfeeble - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Extinguish - Spell | 476 | Spell |
False Eye - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Fear - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Find Things - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Fire Ball - Spell | 671 | Spell |
Fire Bolt - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Fire Dart - Spell | 509 | Spell |
Fire Storm - Spell | 929 | Spell |
Flame Blade - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Flame Script - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Forbiddance - Spell | 971 | Spell |
Fortify - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Fortunes of War - Spell | 938 | Spell |
Frost Blade - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Frost Dart - Spell | 509 | Spell |
Grant Health - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Greater Mage Lock - Spell | 905 | Spell |
Hail Storm - Spell | 929 | Spell |
Harm Undead - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Heal - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Holy Bolt - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Holy Dart - Spell | 509 | Spell |
Holy Smite - Spell | 671 | Spell |
Lend Health - Spell | 509 | Spell |
Lesser Mage Lock - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Light - Spell | 476 | Spell |
Lightning Bolt - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Mage Lock - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Magic Script - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Magic Stone - Spell | 476 | Spell |
Magic Vestment - Spell | 872 | Spell |
Mend Body - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Mystic Chain - Spell | 971 | Spell |
Mystic Hide - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Mystic Leather - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Mystic Robes - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Ogre Strength - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Open Greater Lock - Spell | 740 | Spell |
Open Lesser Lock - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Open Lock - Spell | 674 | Spell |
Open Portal - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Paralyze - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Pin - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Poison Strike - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Protection From Fire - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Protection From Frost - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Pull - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Purify - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Question - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Rebuke Undead - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Remove Charm - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Remove Curse - Spell | 1433 | Spell |
Remove Disease - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Remove Paralysis - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Remove Poison - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Repair - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Repulse - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Resist Fire - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Resist Frost - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Restore Limb - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Restore Strength - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Resurrect - Spell | 1268 | Spell |
Scribe - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Shatter - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Sleep - Spell | 839 | Spell |
Spark - Spell | 542 | Spell |
Speak to Dead - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Spell Shield - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Strength - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Stun - Spell | 773 | Spell |
Thorn Staff - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Translate - Spell | 608 | Spell |
Truth - Spell | 707 | Spell |
Unbind - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Unholy Bolt - Spell | 575 | Spell |
Unholy Dart - Spell | 509 | Spell |
Unholy Smite - Spell | 671 | Spell |
Venom Script - Spell | 806 | Spell |
Web - Spell | 641 | Spell |
Wind Message - Spell | 575 | Spell |
1h Blunt - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
1h Sword - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
2h Blunt - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
2h Sword - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Aim - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Alchemist 01 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Alchemist 02 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Alchemist 03 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Alchemist 04 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Alchemist 05 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Alchemist 06 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Alchemist 07 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Ambidexterity - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Appraising - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 01 - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 02 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 03 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 04 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 05 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 06 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 07 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Arcane Research ( ) 08 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 01 - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 02 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 03 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 04 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 05 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 06 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 07 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Armour Smith 08 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Astrology - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Axe - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Backstab < > - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Bow - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 01 - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 02 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 03 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 04 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 05 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 06 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 07 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Bower/Fletcher 08 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Catalyst - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Channel Spell < > - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Clerical Investment 1 < > - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Clerical Investment 2 < > - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Clerical Investment 3 < > - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Concentration - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Counter Attack < > - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Critical Attack < > - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Devotion - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Disable Limb < > - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Disarm < > - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Divination 1 - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Divination 2 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Divination 3 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Draw Essence - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Exotic < > - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Expanded Domain - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Florentine - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Herbalist 01 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Herbalist 02 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Herbalist 03 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Herbalist 04 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Herbalist 05 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Herbalist 06 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Herbalist 07 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Knockback < > - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Knockout < > - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Lethal Hands - Tutor Book | 74 | Tutor Book |
Magery - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Master of Divination < > - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Mechanic 01 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Mechanic 02 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Mechanic 03 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Mechanic 04 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Mechanic 05 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Mechanic 06 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Mechanic 07 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Merchant 1 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Merchant 2 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Merchant 3 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Merchant 4 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Parry < > - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Physician 01 - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Physician 02 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Physician 03 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Physician 04 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Physician 05 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Physician 06 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Physician 07 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Physician 08 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Pole Arm - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Power Attack < > - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Prayer - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Rage - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Ranged Pin < > - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Read & Write - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Read Magic - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Resist Movement - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Return Blow < > - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Ringing Blow < > - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Shatter < > - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Spear - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Spell Specialization ( ) - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Stunning Blow < > - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Subdue < > - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Theology - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Trade Adept ( ) - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Trade Master ( ) - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Two Weapons - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Waylay < > - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Mastery < > - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 01 - Tutor Book | 99 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 02 - Tutor Book | 124 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 03 - Tutor Book | 149 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 04 - Tutor Book | 174 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 05 - Tutor Book | 199 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 06 - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 07 - Tutor Book | 249 | Tutor Book |
Weapon Smith 08 - Tutor Book | 274 | Tutor Book |
Wound < > - Tutor Book | 224 | Tutor Book |
1h Bolts (10) | 10 | Weapon |
1h Bolts (10) - MC | 80 | Weapon |
1h Crossbow | 136 | Weapon |
1h Crossbow - MC | 616 | Weapon |
1h Spear | 46 | Weapon |
1h Spear - MC | 248 | Weapon |
2h Bolts (10) | 10 | Weapon |
2h Bolts (10) - MC | 80 | Weapon |
2h Crossbow | 152 | Weapon |
2h Crossbow - MC | 632 | Weapon |
2h Spear | 53 | Weapon |
2h Spear - MC | 323 | Weapon |
Arrows (10) | 8 | Weapon |
Arrows (10) - MC | 80 | Weapon |
Bastard Axe | 81 | Weapon |
Bastard Axe - MC | 486 | Weapon |
Bastard Hammer | 61 | Weapon |
Bastard Hammer - MC | 331 | Weapon |
Bastard Mace | 51 | Weapon |
Bastard Mace - MC | 331 | Weapon |
Bastard Spear | 61 | Weapon |
Bastard Spear - MC | 398 | Weapon |
Bastard Sword | 238 | Weapon |
Bastard Sword - MC | 788 | Weapon |
Batle Axe | 68 | Weapon |
Batle Axe - MC | 406 | Weapon |
Blow Darts (10) | 31 | Weapon |
Blowpipe | 55 | Weapon |
Club - MC | 75 | Weapon |
Dagger | 35 | Weapon |
Dagger - MC | 238 | Weapon |
Fighting Glove | 154 | Weapon |
Fighting Glove - MC | 469 | Weapon |
Flail | 48 | Weapon |
Flail - MC | 258 | Weapon |
Garrote | 58 | Weapon |
Hand Axe | 41 | Weapon |
Hand Axe - MC | 243 | Weapon |
Javelin | 33 | Weapon |
Javelin - MC | 168 | Weapon |
Knife | 21 | Weapon |
Knife - MC | 156 | Weapon |
Long Bow | 136 | Weapon |
Long Bow - MC | 761 | Weapon |
Long Sword | 125 | Weapon |
Long Sword - MC | 625 | Weapon |
Mace | 40 | Weapon |
Mace - MC | 250 | Weapon |
Polearm | 61 | Weapon |
Polearm - MC | 398 | Weapon |
Punch Shield | 296 | Weapon |
Scimitar | 125 | Weapon |
Scimitar - MC | 625 | Weapon |
Short Bow | 40 | Weapon |
Short Bow - MC | 300 | Weapon |
Short Sword | 88 | Weapon |
Short Sword - MC | 463 | Weapon |
Sling | 7 | Weapon |
Sling - MC | 79 | Weapon |
Staff - MC | 75 | Weapon |
Throwing Axe | 113 | Weapon |
Throwing Axe - MC | 313 | Weapon |
Throwing Knife | 43 | Weapon |
Throwing Knife - MC | 313 | Weapon |
Tonfa - MC | 86 | Weapon |
Two Handed Axe | 89 | Weapon |
Two Handed Axe - MC | 561 | Weapon |
Two Handed Hammer | 96 | Weapon |
Two Handed Hammer - MC | 336 | Weapon |
Two Handed Mace | 96 | Weapon |
Two Handed Mace - MC | 336 | Weapon |
Two Handed Sword | 358 | Weapon |
Two Handed Sword - MC | 1238 | Weapon |
War Hammer | 53 | Weapon |
War Hammer - MC | 263 | Weapon |
War Trident - MC | 398 | Weapon |