New Character Shop

These are the items available when you are creating a brand new character for your Fantasy Alive games.  All prices are listed in Copper Pieces (CP).  Items you'd like to purchase need to be listed with your character creation so that you receive the required item tags. 

Item Price - CP Category
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Gambeson Armour 5 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Hardened Leather Armour 11 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Leather Armour 6 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.25 AP) Studded Leather Armour 14 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Gambeson Armour 40 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour 78 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Leather Armour 41 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.37 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour 84 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.5 AP) Chain Armour 33 Armour
0.5 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Chain Armour 158 Armour
0.5 Loc (1 AP) Plate Armour 86 Armour
0.5 Loc (1 AP) Scale Armour 41 Armour
0.5 Loc (1.5 AP) MC Plate Armour 306 Armour
0.5 Loc (1.5 AP) MC Scale Armour 156 Armour
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Gambeson Armour 9 Armour
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Hardened Leather Armour 22 Armour
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Leather Armour 12 Armour
1 Loc (0.5 AP) Studded Leather Armour 28 Armour
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Gambeson Armour 79 Armour
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour 157 Armour
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Leather Armour 82 Armour
1 Loc (0.75 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour 168 Armour
1 Loc (1 AP) Chain Armour 66 Armour
1 Loc (1.5 AP) MC Chain Armour 316 Armour
1 Loc (2 AP) Plate Armour 173 Armour
1 Loc (2 AP) Scale Armour 83 Armour
1 Loc (3 AP) MC Plate Armour 613 Armour
1 Loc (3 AP) MC Scale Armour 313 Armour
10 Loc (10 AP) Chain Armour 662 Armour
10 Loc (15 AP) MC Chain Armour 3162 Armour
10 Loc (20 AP) Plate Armour 1726 Armour
10 Loc (20 AP) Scale Armour 826 Armour
10 Loc (30 AP) MC Plate Armour 6126 Armour
10 Loc (30 AP) MC Scale Armour 3126 Armour
10 Loc (5 AP) Gambeson Armour 91 Armour
10 Loc (5 AP) Hardened Leather Armour 218 Armour
10 Loc (5 AP) Leather Armour 118 Armour
10 Loc (5 AP) Studded Leather Armour 276 Armour
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Gambeson Armour 791 Armour
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour 1568 Armour
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Leather Armour 818 Armour
10 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour 1676 Armour
5 Loc (10 AP) Plate Armour 863 Armour
5 Loc (10 AP) Scale Armour 413 Armour
5 Loc (15 AP) MC Plate Armour 3063 Armour
5 Loc (15 AP) MC Scale Armour 1563 Armour
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Gambeson Armour 45 Armour
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Hardened Leather Armour 109 Armour
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Leather Armour 59 Armour
5 Loc (2.5 AP) Studded Leather Armour 138 Armour
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Gambeson Armour 395 Armour
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Hardened Leather Armour 784 Armour
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Leather Armour 409 Armour
5 Loc (3.7 AP) MC Studded Leather Armour 838 Armour
5 Loc (5 AP) Chain Armour 331 Armour
5 Loc (7.5 AP) MC Chain Armour 1581 Armour
Buckler 67 Armour
Buckler - MC 472 Armour
Shield 77 Armour
Shield - MC 482 Armour
Alchemy Equipment 169 Equipment
Bandage (20) 15 Equipment
Bandage (4) 3 Equipment
Candle (10) 1 Equipment
Chain Links 6 Equipment
Chain Links (10) 60 Equipment
Chest 42 Equipment
Cloth 3 Equipment
Cloth (10) 30 Equipment
Container 3 Equipment
Container (10) 30 Equipment
Cord 9 Equipment
Cord (10) 90 Equipment
Crystal 18 Equipment
Crystal ball 38 Equipment
Deck of Cards 13 Equipment
Dice 3 Equipment
Gem - Amethyst 75 Equipment
Gem - Emerald 500 Equipment
Gem - Garnet 10 Equipment
Gem - Jade 15 Equipment
Gem - Peridot 750 Equipment
Gem - Quartz 2 Equipment
Gem - Ruby 200 Equipment
Gem - Sapphire 50 Equipment
Gem - Topaz 5 Equipment
Gold Bar 2000 Equipment
Hardware 8 Equipment
Hardware (10) 80 Equipment
Hide 3 Equipment
Hide (10) 30 Equipment
Horse 1000 Equipment
Hourglass 43 Equipment
Iron 7 Equipment
Iron (10) 70 Equipment
Jewelry - Exquisite Gold 660 Equipment
Jewelry - Exquisite Silver 336 Equipment
Jewelry - MC Gold 1860 Equipment
Jewelry - MC Silver 1536 Equipment
Jewelry - Ornate Gold 435 Equipment
Jewelry - Ornate Silver 111 Equipment
Jewelry - Plain Gold 373 Equipment
Jewelry - Plain Silver 49 Equipment
Leather 5 Equipment
Leather (10) 50 Equipment
Leather Patching 4 Equipment
Leather Patching (10) 40 Equipment
Lumber 8 Equipment
Lumber (10) 80 Equipment
Metal Patching 21 Equipment
Metal Patching (10) 210 Equipment
Parchment (10) 3 Equipment
Prism 25 Equipment
Quill and Ink 9 Equipment
Quill and Ink (10) 90 Equipment
Rope 14 Equipment
Rope (10) 140 Equipment
Rune Stones 13 Equipment
Shrine 223 Equipment
Silver Bar 200 Equipment
Spellbook 9 Equipment
Stone 6 Equipment
Stone (10) 60 Equipment
Tools (Armour Smith) 45 Equipment
Tools (Bowyer/Fletcher) 45 Equipment
Tools (Craftsman) 45 Equipment
Tools (Labourer) 45 Equipment
Tools (Mechanic) 45 Equipment
Tools (Physician) 45 Equipment
Tools (Weapon Smith) 45 Equipment
Wineskin 8 Equipment
Wood 3 Equipment
Wood (10) 30 Equipment
Wool 2 Equipment
Wool (10) 20 Equipment
Acid - Formula 413 Formula
Arcane Death - Formula 1063 Formula
Arcane Ink - Formula 175 Formula
Blade Oil - Formula 413 Formula
Dragon Breath - Formula 1063 Formula
Fire Oil - Formula 175 Formula
Flameless Fire - Formula 750 Formula
Flash Powder - Formula 750 Formula
Gas Cloud - Formula 413 Formula
Grease - Formula 163 Formula
Harden Flesh - Formula 413 Formula
Hovering Gas - Formula 750 Formula
Illumination - Formula 63 Formula
Lasting Ice - Formula 413 Formula
Magical Absorbant - Formula 750 Formula
Magical Litmus - Formula 175 Formula
Mana Water - Formula 763 Formula
Metal Polish - Formula 63 Formula
Mysterious Goo - Formula 413 Formula
Neutralizing Paste - Formula 413 Formula
Spark - Formula 63 Formula
Spectacular Reflection - Formula 1063 Formula
Sticky Foot - Formula 175 Formula
Thermal Gel - Formula 175 Formula
Thunderstone - Formula 1063 Formula
True metal - Formula 175 Formula
Herb - Adders Tongue 26 Herb
Herb - Adders Tongue (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Alkanet 26 Herb
Herb - Alkanet (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Aloe 26 Herb
Herb - Aloe (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Ash 26 Herb
Herb - Ash (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Barberry 26 Herb
Herb - Barberry (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Bastit 26 Herb
Herb - Bastit (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Bishops Weed 26 Herb
Herb - Bishops Weed (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Bittermourn 26 Herb
Herb - Bittermourn (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Blackroot 26 Herb
Herb - Blackroot (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Bloodmoss 26 Herb
Herb - Bloodmoss (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Bullrush 26 Herb
Herb - Bullrush (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Burdock 26 Herb
Herb - Burdock (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Caffar 26 Herb
Herb - Caffar (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Callin 26 Herb
Herb - Callin (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Cats Tail 26 Herb
Herb - Cats Tail (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Colewort 26 Herb
Herb - Colewort (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Coltsfoot 26 Herb
Herb - Coltsfoot (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Culkas 26 Herb
Herb - Culkas (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Darnell 26 Herb
Herb - Darnell (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Dog Weed 26 Herb
Herb - Dog Weed (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Draff 26 Herb
Herb - Draff (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Dragon Tears 26 Herb
Herb - Dragon Tears (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Ebur 26 Herb
Herb - Ebur (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Ergot 26 Herb
Herb - Ergot (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Falsifal 26 Herb
Herb - Falsifal (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Fetherfew 26 Herb
Herb - Fetherfew (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Flax 26 Herb
Herb - Flax (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Harfry 26 Herb
Herb - Harfry (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Hemlock 26 Herb
Herb - Hemlock (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Henbane 26 Herb
Herb - Henbane (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Kathkusa 26 Herb
Herb - Kathkusa (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Lungwort 26 Herb
Herb - Lungwort (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Mandrake 26 Herb
Herb - Mandrake (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Nightshade 26 Herb
Herb - Nightshade (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Periwinkle 26 Herb
Herb - Periwinkle (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Saffron 26 Herb
Herb - Saffron (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Spider Venom 26 Herb
Herb - Spider Venom (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Wolvesbane 26 Herb
Herb - Wolvesbane (10) 260 Herb
Herb - Woodrose 26 Herb
Herb - Woodrose (10) 260 Herb
Ingredient - Alum 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Alum (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Antimoni 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Antimoni (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Aqua Regia 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Aqua Regia (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Brimstone 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Brimstone (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Chamomile 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Chamomile (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Gum 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Gum (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Manganes 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Manganes (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Melanc Base 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Melanc Base (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Mithril Dust 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Mithril Dust (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Mondragora 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Mondragora (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Napatha 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Napatha (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Orpiment 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Orpiment (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Pitchblend 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Pitchblend (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - White Cinnabar 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - White Cinnabar (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Zinken 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Zinken (10) 300 Ingredient
Ingredient - Zinkenblend 30 Ingredient
Ingredient - Zinkenblend (10) 300 Ingredient
Choke Trap 93 Mechanical
Dangle Trap 333 Mechanical
Dead Fall Trap 37 Mechanical
Fire Trap 179 Mechanical
Foot Trap 49 Mechanical
Hinge Trigger 37 Mechanical
Lock - Level 1 48 Mechanical
Lock - Level 2 184 Mechanical
Lock - Level 3 420 Mechanical
Lock picks 43 Mechanical
Pendulum Trap 53 Mechanical
Pit Cover Trigger 9 Mechanical
Pressure Trigger 53 Mechanical
Reverse Pressure Trigger 97 Mechanical
Reverse Trip Line Trigger 37 Mechanical
Snare Trap 40 Mechanical
Spray Trap 132 Mechanical
Spring Snare Trap 86 Mechanical
Tangle Trap 262 Mechanical
Timed Trigger 132 Mechanical
Tripline Trigger 4 Mechanical
Tripped Timer Trigger 200 Mechanical
Weapon Trap 26 Mechanical
Acid - Mixture 463 Mixture - Alch
Arcane Death - Mixture 763 Mixture - Alch
Arcane Ink - Mixture 328 Mixture - Alch
Blade Oil - Mixture 476 Mixture - Alch
Dragon Breath - Mixture 763 Mixture - Alch
Fire Oil - Mixture 328 Mixture - Alch
Flameless Fire - Mixture 626 Mixture - Alch
Flash Powder - Mixture 661 Mixture - Alch
Gas Cloud - Mixture 488 Mixture - Alch
Grease - Mixture 438 Mixture - Alch
Harden Flesh - Mixture 476 Mixture - Alch
Hovering Gas - Mixture 626 Mixture - Alch
Illumination - Mixture 238 Mixture - Alch
Lasting Ice - Mixture 476 Mixture - Alch
Magical Absorbant - Mixture 626 Mixture - Alch
Magical Litmus - Mixture 328 Mixture - Alch
Mana Water - Mixture 643 Mixture - Alch
Metal Polish - Mixture 233 Mixture - Alch
Mysterious Goo - Mixture 463 Mixture - Alch
Neutralizing Paste - Mixture 463 Mixture - Alch
Spark - Mixture 213 Mixture - Alch
Spectacular Reflection - Mixture 821 Mixture - Alch
Sticky Foot - Mixture 328 Mixture - Alch
Thermal Gel - Mixture 328 Mixture - Alch
Thunderstone - Mixture 723 Mixture - Alch
True metal - Mixture 328 Mixture - Alch
Adrenal Rush - Mixture 292 Mixture - Herb
Antidote - Mixture 422 Mixture - Herb
Awakener - Mixture 205 Mixture - Herb
Berserk - Mixture 668 Mixture - Herb
Creeping Death - Mixture 561 Mixture - Herb
Cure All - Mixture 561 Mixture - Herb
Disease - Mixture 561 Mixture - Herb
Energy Boost - Mixture 210 Mixture - Herb
Euphoric - Mixture 668 Mixture - Herb
False Death - Mixture 292 Mixture - Herb
Greater Adrenal Rush - Mixture 422 Mixture - Herb
Hallucinagen - Mixture 561 Mixture - Herb
Healing Balm - Mixture 210 Mixture - Herb
Heroes Last Stand - Mixture 561 Mixture - Herb
Illness - Mixture 422 Mixture - Herb
Immunity - Mixture 668 Mixture - Herb
Intoxicant - Mixture 205 Mixture - Herb
Leather Balm - Mixture 200 Mixture - Herb
Leather Skin - Mixture 409 Mixture - Herb
Lethal Poison - Mixture 561 Mixture - Herb
Liquid Serenity - Mixture 409 Mixture - Herb
Minor Illness - Mixture 292 Mixture - Herb
Miracle Tonic - Mixture 422 Mixture - Herb
Paralyze - Mixture 668 Mixture - Herb
Silk Bag - Mixture 292 Mixture - Herb
Sleep - Mixture 561 Mixture - Herb
Slow Death - Mixture 292 Mixture - Herb
Timber Oil - Mixture 285 Mixture - Herb
Tongue Bind - Mixture 422 Mixture - Herb
Toxin - Mixture 292 Mixture - Herb
Wonder Tonic - Mixture 285 Mixture - Herb
Adrenal Rush - Recipe 175 Recipe
Antidote - Recipe 413 Recipe
Awakener - Recipe 63 Recipe
Berserk - Recipe 1063 Recipe
Creeping Death - Recipe 750 Recipe
Cure All - Recipe 750 Recipe
Disease - Recipe 750 Recipe
Energy Boost - Recipe 63 Recipe
Euphoric - Recipe 1063 Recipe
False Death - Recipe 413 Recipe
Greater Adrenal Rush - Recipe 413 Recipe
Hallucinagen - Recipe 750 Recipe
Healing Balm - Recipe 63 Recipe
Heroes Last Stand - Recipe 750 Recipe
Illness - Recipe 413 Recipe
Immunity - Recipe 1063 Recipe
Intoxicant - Recipe 63 Recipe
Leather Balm - Recipe 63 Recipe
Leather Skin - Recipe 413 Recipe
Lethal Poison - Recipe 750 Recipe
Liquid Serenity - Recipe 413 Recipe
Minor Illness - Recipe 175 Recipe
Miracle Tonic - Recipe 413 Recipe
Paralyze - Recipe 1063 Recipe
Silk Bag - Recipe 175 Recipe
Sleep - Recipe 750 Recipe
Slow Death - Recipe 175 Recipe
Timber Oil - Recipe 175 Recipe
Tongue Bind - Recipe 413 Recipe
Toxin - Recipe 175 Recipe
Wonder Tonic - Recipe 175 Recipe
Aid - Scroll 607 Scroll
Air Shield - Scroll 569 Scroll
Arcane Barrage - Scroll 911 Scroll
Arcane Bolt - Scroll 607 Scroll
Arcane Dart - Scroll 531 Scroll
Arcane Lore - Scroll 645 Scroll
Arcane Strike - Scroll 723 Scroll
Aura of Protection - Scroll 607 Scroll
Aura of Resistance - Scroll 759 Scroll
Ball of Frost - Scroll 723 Scroll
Barrier - Scroll 683 Scroll
Barrier Pit - Scroll 645 Scroll
Battle Rage - Scroll 911 Scroll
Berserk - Scroll 759 Scroll
Bind - Scroll 683 Scroll
Bladeturn - Scroll 607 Scroll
Bless - Scroll 607 Scroll
Blindness - Scroll 835 Scroll
Blink - Scroll 1025 Scroll
Bolt of Frost - Scroll 607 Scroll
Bramble Wall - Scroll 759 Scroll
Bravery - Scroll 569 Scroll
Champion - Scroll 1177 Scroll
Charm - Scroll 835 Scroll
Command - Scroll 911 Scroll
Command Lesser Undead - Scroll 1063 Scroll
Confine - Scroll 759 Scroll
Corrode - Scroll 1079 Scroll
Cure Blindness - Scroll 759 Scroll
Death's Delving - Scroll 645 Scroll
Detect Celestial - Scroll 607 Scroll
Detect Curse - Scroll 569 Scroll
Detect Enemies - Scroll 683 Scroll
Detect Infernal - Scroll 607 Scroll
Detect Magic - Scroll 607 Scroll
Detect Poison - Scroll 569 Scroll
Detect Undead - Scroll 607 Scroll
Disarm - Scroll 607 Scroll
Disease - Scroll 873 Scroll
Dispel - Scroll 1031 Scroll
Empower - Scroll 607 Scroll
Enfeeble - Scroll 835 Scroll
Extinguish - Scroll 493 Scroll
False Eye - Scroll 911 Scroll
Fear - Scroll 683 Scroll
Find Things - Scroll 835 Scroll
Fire Ball - Scroll 723 Scroll
Fire Bolt - Scroll 607 Scroll
Fire Dart - Scroll 531 Scroll
Fire Storm - Scroll 1031 Scroll
Flame Blade - Scroll 607 Scroll
Flame Script - Scroll 835 Scroll
Forbiddance - Scroll 1063 Scroll
Fortify - Scroll 759 Scroll
Fortunes of War - Scroll 1025 Scroll
Frost Blade - Scroll 761 Scroll
Frost Dart - Scroll 531 Scroll
Grant Health - Scroll 607 Scroll
Greater Mage Lock - Scroll 987 Scroll
Hail Storm - Scroll 1031 Scroll
Harm Undead - Scroll 835 Scroll
Heal - Scroll 683 Scroll
Holy Bolt - Scroll 607 Scroll
Holy Dart - Scroll 531 Scroll
Holy Smite - Scroll 723 Scroll
Lend Health - Scroll 531 Scroll
Lesser Mage Lock - Scroll 683 Scroll
Light - Scroll 493 Scroll
Lightning Bolt - Scroll 835 Scroll
Mage Lock - Scroll 835 Scroll
Magic Script - Scroll 569 Scroll
Magic Stone - Scroll 493 Scroll
Magic Vestment - Scroll 949 Scroll
Mend body - Scroll 911 Scroll
Mystic Chain - Scroll 1063 Scroll
Mystic Hide - Scroll 683 Scroll
Mystic Leather - Scroll 835 Scroll
Mystic Robes - Scroll 569 Scroll
Ogre Strength - Scroll 759 Scroll
Open Greater Lock -Scroll 797 Scroll
Open Lesser Lock - Scroll 645 Scroll
Open Lock - Scroll 721 Scroll
Open Portal - Scroll 835 Scroll
Paralyze - Scroll 911 Scroll
Pin - Scroll 607 Scroll
Poison Strike - Scroll 759 Scroll
Protection From Fire - Scroll 835 Scroll
Protection From Frost - Scroll 835 Scroll
Pull - Scroll 653 Scroll
Purify - Scroll 607 Scroll
Question - Scroll 759 Scroll
Rebuke Undead - Scroll 645 Scroll
Remove Charm - Scroll 645 Scroll
Remove Curse - Scroll 10140 Scroll
Remove Disease - Scroll 759 Scroll
Remove Paralysis 759 Scroll
Remove Poison - Scroll 759 Scroll
Repair - Scroll 567 Scroll
Repulse - Scroll 569 Scroll
Resist Fire - Scroll 607 Scroll
Resist Frost - Scroll 607 Scroll
Restore Limb - Scroll 835 Scroll
Restore Strength - Scroll 683 Scroll
Resurrect - Scroll 1405 Scroll
Scribe - Scroll 911 Scroll
Shatter - Scroll 759 Scroll
Sleep - Scroll 1708 Scroll
Spark - Scroll 569 Scroll
Speak to Dead - Scroll 759 Scroll
Spell Shield - Scroll 835 Scroll
Strength - Scroll 645 Scroll
Stun - Scroll 835 Scroll
Thorn Staff - Scroll 645 Scroll
Translate - Scroll 645 Scroll
Truth - Scroll 759 Scroll
Unbind - Scroll 607 Scroll
Unholy Bolt - Scroll 607 Scroll
Unholy Dart - Scroll 531 Scroll
Unholy Smite - Scroll 723 Scroll
Venom Script - Scroll 873 Scroll
Web - Scroll 683 Scroll
Wind Message - Scroll 607 Scroll
Aid - Spell 575 Spell
Air Shield - Spell 542 Spell
Arcane Barrage - Spell 899 Spell
Arcane Bolt - Spell 575 Spell
Arcane Dart - Spell 509 Spell
Arcane Lore - Spell 608 Spell
Arcane Strike - Spell 671 Spell
Aura of Protection - Spell 575 Spell
Aura of Resistance - Spell 707 Spell
Ball of Frost - Spell 671 Spell
Barrier - Spell 641 Spell
Barrier Pit - Spell 608 Spell
Battle Rage - Spell 839 Spell
Berserk - Spell 707 Spell
Bind - Spell 641 Spell
Bladeturn - Spell 575 Spell
Bless - Spell 560 Spell
Blindness - Spell 773 Spell
Blink - Spell 938 Spell
Bolt of Frost - Spell 575 Spell
Bramble Wall - Spell 707 Spell
Bravery - Spell 542 Spell
Champion - Spell 1070 Spell
Charm - Spell 773 Spell
Command - Spell 839 Spell
Command Lesser Undead - Spell 971 Spell
Confine - Spell 707 Spell
Corrode - Spell 839 Spell
Cure Blindness - Spell 707 Spell
Death's Delving - Spell 608 Spell
Detect Celestial - Spell 575 Spell
Detect Curse - Spell 542 Spell
Detect Enemies - Spell 641 Spell
Detect Infernal - Spell 575 Spell
Detect Magic - Spell 575 Spell
Detect Poison - Spell 542 Spell
Detect Undead - Spell 575 Spell
Disarm - Spell 575 Spell
Disease - Spell 806 Spell
Dispel - Spell 929 Spell
Empower - Spell 575 Spell
Enfeeble - Spell 773 Spell
Extinguish - Spell 476 Spell
False Eye - Spell 839 Spell
Fear - Spell 641 Spell
Find Things - Spell 773 Spell
Fire Ball - Spell 671 Spell
Fire Bolt - Spell 575 Spell
Fire Dart - Spell 509 Spell
Fire Storm - Spell 929 Spell
Flame Blade - Spell 575 Spell
Flame Script - Spell 773 Spell
Forbiddance - Spell 971 Spell
Fortify - Spell 707 Spell
Fortunes of War - Spell 938 Spell
Frost Blade - Spell 641 Spell
Frost Dart - Spell 509 Spell
Grant Health - Spell 575 Spell
Greater Mage Lock - Spell 905 Spell
Hail Storm - Spell 929 Spell
Harm Undead - Spell 773 Spell
Heal - Spell 641 Spell
Holy Bolt - Spell 575 Spell
Holy Dart - Spell 509 Spell
Holy Smite - Spell 671 Spell
Lend Health - Spell 509 Spell
Lesser Mage Lock - Spell 641 Spell
Light - Spell 476 Spell
Lightning Bolt - Spell 773 Spell
Mage Lock - Spell 773 Spell
Magic Script - Spell 542 Spell
Magic Stone - Spell 476 Spell
Magic Vestment - Spell 872 Spell
Mend Body - Spell 839 Spell
Mystic Chain - Spell 971 Spell
Mystic Hide - Spell 641 Spell
Mystic Leather - Spell 773 Spell
Mystic Robes - Spell 542 Spell
Ogre Strength - Spell 707 Spell
Open Greater Lock - Spell 740 Spell
Open Lesser Lock - Spell 608 Spell
Open Lock - Spell 674 Spell
Open Portal - Spell 773 Spell
Paralyze - Spell 839 Spell
Pin - Spell 575 Spell
Poison Strike - Spell 707 Spell
Protection From Fire - Spell 773 Spell
Protection From Frost - Spell 773 Spell
Pull - Spell 641 Spell
Purify - Spell 575 Spell
Question - Spell 707 Spell
Rebuke Undead - Spell 608 Spell
Remove Charm - Spell 608 Spell
Remove Curse - Spell 1433 Spell
Remove Disease - Spell 707 Spell
Remove Paralysis - Spell 707 Spell
Remove Poison - Spell 707 Spell
Repair - Spell 575 Spell
Repulse - Spell 542 Spell
Resist Fire - Spell 575 Spell
Resist Frost - Spell 575 Spell
Restore Limb - Spell 773 Spell
Restore Strength - Spell 641 Spell
Resurrect - Spell 1268 Spell
Scribe - Spell 839 Spell
Shatter - Spell 707 Spell
Sleep - Spell 839 Spell
Spark - Spell 542 Spell
Speak to Dead - Spell 707 Spell
Spell Shield - Spell 773 Spell
Strength - Spell 608 Spell
Stun - Spell 773 Spell
Thorn Staff - Spell 608 Spell
Translate - Spell 608 Spell
Truth - Spell 707 Spell
Unbind - Spell 575 Spell
Unholy Bolt - Spell 575 Spell
Unholy Dart - Spell 509 Spell
Unholy Smite - Spell 671 Spell
Venom Script - Spell 806 Spell
Web - Spell 641 Spell
Wind Message - Spell 575 Spell
1h Blunt - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
1h Sword - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
2h Blunt - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
2h Sword - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Aim - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Alchemist 01 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Alchemist 02 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Alchemist 03 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Alchemist 04 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Alchemist 05 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Alchemist 06 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Alchemist 07 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Ambidexterity - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Appraising - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 01 - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 02 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 03 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 04 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 05 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 06 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 07 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Arcane Research ( ) 08 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 01 - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 02 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 03 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 04 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 05 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 06 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 07 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Armour Smith 08 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Astrology - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Axe - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Backstab < > - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Bow - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 01 - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 02 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 03 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 04 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 05 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 06 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 07 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Bower/Fletcher 08 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Catalyst - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Channel Spell < > - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Clerical Investment 1 < > - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Clerical Investment 2 < > - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Clerical Investment 3 < > - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Concentration - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Counter Attack < > - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Critical Attack < > - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Devotion - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Disable Limb < > - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Disarm < > - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Divination 1 - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Divination 2 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Divination 3 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Draw Essence - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Exotic < > - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Expanded Domain - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Florentine - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Herbalist 01 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Herbalist 02 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Herbalist 03 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Herbalist 04 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Herbalist 05 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Herbalist 06 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Herbalist 07 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Knockback < > - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Knockout < > - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Lethal Hands - Tutor Book 74 Tutor Book
Magery - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Master of Divination < > - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Mechanic 01 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Mechanic 02 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Mechanic 03 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Mechanic 04 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Mechanic 05 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Mechanic 06 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Mechanic 07 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Merchant 1 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Merchant 2 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Merchant 3 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Merchant 4 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Parry < > - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Physician 01 - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Physician 02 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Physician 03 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Physician 04 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Physician 05 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Physician 06 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Physician 07 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Physician 08 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Pole Arm - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Power Attack < > - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Prayer - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Rage - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Ranged Pin < > - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Read & Write - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Read Magic - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Resist Movement - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Return Blow < > - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Ringing Blow < > - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Shatter < > - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Spear - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Spell Specialization ( ) - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Stunning Blow < > - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Subdue < > - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Theology - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Trade Adept ( ) - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Trade Master ( ) - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Two Weapons - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Waylay < > - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Weapon Mastery < > - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 01 - Tutor Book 99 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 02 - Tutor Book 124 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 03 - Tutor Book 149 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 04 - Tutor Book 174 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 05 - Tutor Book 199 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 06 - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 07 - Tutor Book 249 Tutor Book
Weapon Smith 08 - Tutor Book 274 Tutor Book
Wound < > - Tutor Book 224 Tutor Book
1h Bolts (10) 10 Weapon
1h Bolts (10) - MC 80 Weapon
1h Crossbow 136 Weapon
1h Crossbow - MC 616 Weapon
1h Spear 46 Weapon
1h Spear - MC 248 Weapon
2h Bolts (10) 10 Weapon
2h Bolts (10) - MC 80 Weapon
2h Crossbow 152 Weapon
2h Crossbow - MC 632 Weapon
2h Spear 53 Weapon
2h Spear - MC 323 Weapon
Arrows (10) 8 Weapon
Arrows (10) - MC 80 Weapon
Bastard Axe 81 Weapon
Bastard Axe - MC 486 Weapon
Bastard Hammer 61 Weapon
Bastard Hammer - MC 331 Weapon
Bastard Mace 51 Weapon
Bastard Mace - MC 331 Weapon
Bastard Spear 61 Weapon
Bastard Spear - MC 398 Weapon
Bastard Sword 238 Weapon
Bastard Sword - MC 788 Weapon
Batle Axe 68 Weapon
Batle Axe - MC 406 Weapon
Blow Darts (10) 31 Weapon
Blowpipe 55 Weapon
Club - MC 75 Weapon
Dagger 35 Weapon
Dagger - MC 238 Weapon
Fighting Glove 154 Weapon
Fighting Glove - MC 469 Weapon
Flail 48 Weapon
Flail - MC 258 Weapon
Garrote 58 Weapon
Hand Axe 41 Weapon
Hand Axe - MC 243 Weapon
Javelin 33 Weapon
Javelin - MC 168 Weapon
Knife 21 Weapon
Knife - MC 156 Weapon
Long Bow 136 Weapon
Long Bow - MC 761 Weapon
Long Sword 125 Weapon
Long Sword - MC 625 Weapon
Mace 40 Weapon
Mace - MC 250 Weapon
Polearm 61 Weapon
Polearm - MC 398 Weapon
Punch Shield 296 Weapon
Scimitar 125 Weapon
Scimitar - MC 625 Weapon
Short Bow 40 Weapon
Short Bow - MC 300 Weapon
Short Sword 88 Weapon
Short Sword - MC 463 Weapon
Sling 7 Weapon
Sling - MC 79 Weapon
Staff - MC 75 Weapon
Throwing Axe 113 Weapon
Throwing Axe - MC 313 Weapon
Throwing Knife 43 Weapon
Throwing Knife - MC 313 Weapon
Tonfa - MC 86 Weapon
Two Handed Axe 89 Weapon
Two Handed Axe - MC 561 Weapon
Two Handed Hammer 96 Weapon
Two Handed Hammer - MC 336 Weapon
Two Handed Mace 96 Weapon
Two Handed Mace - MC 336 Weapon
Two Handed Sword 358 Weapon
Two Handed Sword - MC 1238 Weapon
War Hammer 53 Weapon
War Hammer - MC 263 Weapon
War Trident - MC 398 Weapon