Fantasy Alive Ottawa-Kingston Site Rules and Amenities
Enforcement of Site Rules
- All rules for the site listed above will be fully enforced by the Owners of Fantasy Alive.
- Any breaking of these rules will lead to correct action up to removal from the site and permanent ban from all Fantasy Alive events.
Arrival and Leaving of site
- No players allowed on site before 3pm on Friday of an event weekend.
- Players must be off site by 3pm on Sunday of an event weekend
General Site Rules
- Please clean up after yourselves and leave the site as clean or cleaner than you found it.
- The Owner of Fantasy Alive Ottawa-Kingston is the final authority on any decisions concerning the site.
Fires and Fire Safety
- Fires may only be set in specific fire pits on site. Consult Owners for which fire pits are accepted.
- Firewood may be available, see Owner at each event. Players are responsible to carry their own reasonable supply of firewood to their campsites.
- Any fire lit must have a Player attending it at all times.
- All fires must be thoroughly and entirely extinguished before left unattended. Please keep a bucket of water nearby for quenching fires.
- Should a combat situation occur around a fire, the combat must be moved away from the pit and one Player must remain to attend the fire as a Fire Marshal.
- Fire Marshals are considered not a target for any combat by a Cast or Plot member, but may participate in role-play as appropriate.
- Fire Marshal status may be changed to another Player at any time, but must be clearly communicated to all Players in a reasonable manner.
- No source of flame is allowed in any location on site other than an approved fire pit or a cooking appliance approved by the Owners.
Smoking, vaping, e-cigarettes or any similar item
- Smoking and similar may only occur in the immediate area of an approved fire pit.
- Cigarette butts or similar waste must be fully and completely disposed of. Either collected in a can for trash or fully burned up in a fire pit.
- All illegal forms of smoking or similar are utterly forbidden on site or at any Fantasy Alive event. Players found with illegal drugs will be removed from game immediately and the Police informed.
Drugs and Alcohol
- No alcohol is allowed. Any found on site will be immediately removed and those in possession will receive corrective action up to removal from game.
- No illegal drugs are allowed. Any found on site will be immediately reported to the Police and those in possession will be removed from game and face further corrective action up to permanent ban from all Endless Adventures events.
- Legal drugs and medications should be reported to the Owners only if they cause side-effects which may affect game-play.
- Any players with a prescription for Medical Marijuana must present a copy of the prescription to the Owners for further instructions.
- Vehicles are allowed to drive onto site from 3pm on Friday until around 10pm when game officially begins and from the time game is called around 12noon on Sunday until all players must be off site at 3pm.
- No vehicles are allowed past the parking lot while game is on, except with prior Owner permission or in the case of a medical emergency.
- Vehicles will be prohibited from driving on certain locations of the site based on weather, site rentals and Plot discretion. Check the pre-event announcements or with Owners at Log or the Town for the current site restrictions.
- RV’s and trailers are to remain in the main parking lot unless given express permission by the Owner to park elsewhere on the site.
Indoor Space, Power, Heat
- Fantasy Alive Ottawa-Kingston does not currently have any indoor space on site.
- No electrical outlets are available on site. Players are required to bring their own battery back-ups for any electronic devices that will require them.
- Only fires in approved pits are available to provide any heat on site. Please dress appropriately for the weather.
- There are no kitchen amenities available on the site (i.e. stove, microwave, fridge, etc.).
- A barbeque is available for player use.
- A meal plan may be available at some events. Details on that will be posted with each event notice.
Theft in Town
- Items left unattended within the common areas of the town may be freely stolen or used by other players with the normal rules concerning theft and consideration for other’s belongings followed.
Logistics/Owners’ Cabin
- The cabin used for Logistics and the Owner’s sleeping area is off-limits to all players unless accompanied by an Owner.
- The door to the room must be kept shut from immediately following Logistics until all players have left the site.
- If looking for an Owner, players must knock on the door and wait for an answer before opening the door.
- The Logistics cabin is otherwise considered out-of-game.