Event Prices


Are you coming to your first event? Well then it’s FREE!
Come try out the game for the first time on us!

Fantasy Alive Toronto:

Online before the Event:
Weekend Event: $70 + tax

  • Full Weekend of game.
  • Grants 45 Event XP + Plot, Player and Self-Assessed XP for the character you play.

Day Event: $50 + tax

  • Approximately 12 hours of game (1 day).
  • Grants 22 Event XP + Plot, Player and Self-Assessed XP for the character you play.

Full Meal Plan: $35 + tax

  • Provides:
    • Late night snacks Friday night.
    • Breakfast Saturday morning.
    • Lunch Saturday Afternoon
    • Dinner Saturday Night
    • Breakfast Sunday Morning and left-overs.
    • Snacks and Drinks available all weekend.

Single Meal: $15 + tax

  • Join in on the meal plan for one meal listed above.
  • Drinks available all weekend.

Snacks Only: $10 + tax

  • Snacks and drinks available all weekend.

NOTE: All players regardless of payment have access to drinks all weekend. Stay hydrated!


We also accept e-transfers sent to Owners@fantasyalivelrp.com for the full event amount including tax:

Weekend Event: $79.10
Day Event: $56.50
Full Meal Plan: $39.55
Single Meal: $16.95
Snacks Only: $11.30

At the Door: (Details above.)
Weekend Event: $80 (tax included)
Day Event: $60 (tax included)
Full Meal Plan: $40 (tax included)
Single Meal: $15 (tax included)
Snacks Only: $10 (tax included)


6-Pack FA-TO Flex Passes Available!

6-Event Pass Online: $420 + tax ($475 tax included at the door) and includes:

  • Entrance to any 6 Fantasy Alive Toronto Weekend events!
  • Bonus of 300 OC at purchase!
  • Raise your OC to XP cap for those six events to 150!


6-Event Meal Plan Online: $210 + tax ($240 tax included at the door) and includes:

  • A Full Event Meal Plan at any 6 Fantasy Alive Toronto events!
  • Bonus of 150 OC at purchase!


Fantasy Alive Ottawa-Kingston:

Online or at the Door:
Event: $50

  • Full Weekend of game.
  • Grants 45 Event XP + Plot, Player and Self-Assessed XP for the character you play.



4-Pack and Full Year FA-OK Passes Available!

4-Event Pass Online or at the door: $200 and includes:

  • Entrance to any 4 Fantasy Alive Ottawa-Kingston events!
  • Bonus of 200 OC at purchase!
  • Raise your OC to XP cap for these 4 events to 150!


Full Year Pass Online or at the door: $350 and includes:

  • Entrance to all 7 Fantasy Alive Ottawa-Kingston 2023 events!
  • Bonus of 350 OC at purchase!
  • Raise your OC to XP cap for all 2023 events to 150!