Fantasy Alive's Response to Black Lives Matter
Hello Fantasy Alive Players,
Normally we do our best to avoid using our game’s platform to comment on real-world issues. This is a position we have upheld for a long time under the ideal that Fantasy Alive is a place that people use to escape their problems. It is a magical world we have created to give everyone a break from the worries in their lives and simply enjoy being someone else. This is one of the main goals of the game, and we do our best to make sure that when people come to play, they can immerse themselves in the world and have fun.
But during this time of protest and unrest, and the many, many offenses to basic human rights we are all finally acknowledging, we find ourselves needing to speak up. Because our ideals of creating a positive community of people extends to everyone who could possibly join us. And to us, that is everyone.
Everyone deserves to be part of a community that treats them with respect and dignity. And that community should actively speak out against anyone who would do otherwise. We believe that and have worked hard to foster that ideal within our little game. But now we find the world is working to spread that positive community ideal everywhere, so we feel it important to help however we can.
With that in mind, we at Fantasy Alive will be taking time to thoughtfully decide how we can best support the Black Lives Matter movement and all others, working towards creating a fair, positive community in both game and our world.
The first step in this process is acknowledging our limited view points.We owners are CIS white men in committed heterosexual relationships, so we have not had personal experience with discrimination or racism. To address this, we have taken steps to both educate ourselves and get the opinions of people who have experience or knowledge. We will be using these resources to take a critical look at our game and make the changes necessary to ensure that all people, regardless of race, religion, nationality, gender identity, or sexuality can join in the fun our game provides.
Our next step is to make these changes. We will be rolling out what we need to do to make the game accessible and welcoming to everyone over the course of the next month or so. The changes currently planned are the removal of the slave and beast classes from the rulebook and game world. This will result in all in-game races being part of the Yeoman class at character creation and any current beast races to be assigned the Yeoman class as well. Following that, if we determine any other changes need to be made, we will do so and ensure that all our players are informed. All changes,from rulebook edits to policy changes will be mirrored by in-game story put on by our Plot Team to provide reasons for these changes on an IG level as well.
We thank you all for your support of Fantasy Alive through the years, and we hope that you will welcome the changes we will be implementing, knowing that we are doing so for the betterment of everyone. We have the power to change our game for the better, and in doing so we hope to help spread that improvement out into the world. No human being should feel unwelcome or threatened by their community.
Should you wish to comment on this matter, please send an email to Doug and Ian at this address: We will gladly take into consideration any thoughts or suggestions you have.
Doug Rene and Ian Patterson
Co-Owners of Fantasy Alive
#blacklivesmatter #blm