This document is intended to clarify the many positions available within Endless Adventures. Each has their own place within the games and their own responsibilities, which are described within each position’s description below. Each position is also given specific compensation for their assistance with the running of EAO games which is listed within each job’s description.
The descriptions following are the current available positions and the details of each. Any and all of the details below are subject to change by EAO at any time and will be updated publicly as soon as possible.
If you are interested in applying for any of these positions, please contact the Owner of the game you would like to assist with and follow any application process listed or requested.
Owner (Game)
Plot Manager (Game System)
Head of Plot (Game)
Plot Member (Game)
Dedicated Cast Member (Game)
Head of Lore (Game System)
Lore Writer (Game System)
Head of Rules (Game System)
Rules Marshal (Game System)
Weapons Marshal (Game System)
Armour Marshal (Game System)
First Aide Supplier (Game)
Social Media Organizer (Game System)
Head of Merchandise (EAO)
Head of Convention Organization
Head of PC Base Maintenance and Head of Cast Base Maintenance (Game)
Kitchen / Meal Preparation Crew (Game)
Online Space Moderator (Game System)
Character History Team (Game System)
Owner (Game)
The Owner of an EAO game is responsible for the over-all running of the game and management of all other positions within that game. This position has the authority to override any decisions made by any other position within their game. This position works under the supervision of the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Ensure the game has a physical site to use, all equipment necessary and all other materials and people necessary to run.
- Appoint and remove players from all other positions within their game.
- Over-see and provide support to Plot, Rules, EAO Support Team members, Marshals and any other teams created to assist with the running of the game.
- Investigate and determine proper corrective actions for breaking of the game rules, abuse of players or any other actions seen as detrimental to the game.
- Ensure that all information related to characters, players, plot, support cases, etc. is kept private and only provided as is necessary to operate their game.
- Set costs for playing games, meal plan, and any other fees in consultation with the Directors of EAO.
- Provide Marshal XP entries with assistance from Plot Members to Players.
- Ensure the Logistics of the game is completed each cycle.
- Follow all guidelines provided by the Directors of EAO.
- May step into Head of Plot Position as necessary for the smooth running of the Game.
Plot Manager (Game System)
The Plot Manager position is designed to run and organise plot on a continuous basis so that one system of games can better track continuity of mods and stories, work with and provide support for Plot and Cast members, increasing the quality of the game. This Position works under the supervision of the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Review Plot applications submitted to Owners and provide guidance on Plot Member selection.
- Attend and participate in all Plot meetings in the game system they are managing.
- Fill in for the Head of Plot Position in any game within their system lacking the role. Or provide assistance to the Owner in covering the Head of Plot Position.
- Maintain positive atmosphere for Plot Team and Cast to operate in
- Ensure enjoyment of player base with storylines and mods
- Create Budgets for review and approval of Owners
- Ensure Budget is used properly towards the games’ Mods, costuming, and story
- Keep up to date and informed on the rules and policies of the game system they are responsible for.
- Ensure the recording and organisation of story information for the purpose of continuity and ensure this information is properly stored and accessible by Plot Members and Owners as needed.
- Ensure all character, player, and plot information collected or created is kept private.
- Attend a majority of events run in that game system.
- Join discussions and give constructive feedback on rules and mechanics of their game system as requested.
- Ability to request to Owners to have a special role fulfilled outside of a current Dedicated Cast or Plot Member.
- Work with the Head of Cast Cabin Maintenance to ensure proper organisation, setup and clean up of props/costume/etc.
- Ensure all Cast, Plot and Dedicated Cast Players are upholding the Honour System and Code of Conduct and work with the Owners to help correct issues relating to this
- Regularly consult with all Heads of Plot and Owners within their Game System to discuss ideas and methods to improve the Games and Game System.
- Work with Owners and Head of Plots of the games within their system to ensure the proper continuity, style and vision are maintained.
- Creation of all Templates or other advanced character aspects used within their Game System, subject to Owner approval.
- Ensure Heads of Plot and Owners within their Game System write down event plans and feedback/notes on event results. Properly collect and store this information.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 2 years as a Player.
- Minimum 1 year Plot experience.
- Approval from the Directors of EAO.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
- Minimum 3 year Term
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 10h
- During each Event: 2h
- Free Storage Spot
- Free Meal Plan at attended events.
- Up to 2 non consecutive events in a chosen RP role a year.
- Input on Mechanical aspects of Game System.
- Input on all story aspects of a Game System.
- Compensation package upon leaving the position as determined by the Directors of EAO in consultation with the Plot Manager.
Head of Plot (Game)
This position is responsible for creating and running the on-going story within a single EAO game and over-seeing the rest of the Plot Team. This Position works under the supervision of the Owner of that game and the Plot Manager.
Specific Responsibilities
- All of the Responsibilities of a Plot Member in addition to the ones below.
- Organise the Plot Team, Dedicated Cast and Cast to ensure each member is following the responsibilities of that position.
- Communicate Story lines, Mods, tag needs to Owners/Logistics effectively and with reasonable notice before the event they are needed/take effect.
- Review and approve/deny/change all story ideas put forth by the Plot Team members to ensure the best continuing story.
- All story ideas from the Head of Plot should also be discussed by the Plot Team and/or Owner before implementation.
- Review and approve/deny/change all creature characteristics, statistics and abilities before use within the game put forth by inexperienced Plot Members.
- Work with the Owner and Plot Manager of the Game to ensure the story created by the Plot Team follows the vision of EAO.
- Ensure that all Cast and Plot Members are properly briefed on the event before beginning each event, including general idea of the event, roles they should expect to play and what the motivation of their roles will be.
- Ensure the running of the planned story during the event and the respectful management of the Plot Team, Dedicated Cast and Cast Members. Disrespectful incidents must be reported to an Owner.
- Consult with Dedicated Cast and Cast members to ensure their enjoyment of the game as well as inquire about their thoughts on ways to improve the Game.
- Schedule and run a meeting of the Plot Members (and any Dedicated Cast determined worthwhile to join) which plans out the next next event and initial plans for the next two events following.
- Ensure a written plan for each event is drawn up and made available to all Plot Members and the Game Owner.
- Make notes and following each event, provide feedback and story information on the event plan to all Plot Members, Game Owner and Plot Manager.
- Ensure that all character, player, plot or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of the Owner.
Application Requirements
- At least one year of experience as a Member of the Plot Team
- Approval from an Owner.
Term of Position
- Must commit to 12 events minimum with 36 events preferred.
- Must provide minimum of 3 event notice of leaving the Position
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 7h
- During each Event: 1h
- 160 OC per event plus Plot, Marshal and Player XP earned converted to OC.
- OC total is not deducted for events missed as long as term is completed to satisfaction
- Free Meal Plan at attended events.
- Plot Appreciation option upon full completion of term to the satisfaction of Plot Manager (Options may include template, Bonus OC, rare Items, Components, or OC options. Other options may be available at term end.)
- Maximum 2 events Plot Member may PC or play a Full-Event Cast Role during a 12-event term.
- Training for any skill (CI 6 and above reviewed by Plot Manager/ Owners)
- May spend OC to purchase skills up to a character’s SP cap OR May convert 2,500 OC into SP for a character at or past SP cap.
- With Plot Manager and Owner permission may convert OC into SP for a single skill purchase up to a max of 12 skills.
- Total SP cap for a new character rises by 6 SP per event.
Plot Member (Game)
This position is responsible for creating and running the on-going story within an EAO game. This position works under the supervision of the Owner and Head of Plot.
Specific Responsibilities
- Continue the ongoing story of the game in a challenging but enjoyable way for all players.
- Ensure the proper use and care of the costumes, props, tools and other EAO or game-owned property.
- Create and record characteristics, statistics and abilities of creatures used within the story.
- Ensure proper communication of creature/character stats, roleplay and motivation to Dedicated Cast and Cast Volunteers.
- Attend planned Plot meetings, Communicate and assist in the planning of events between events.
- Attend a strong majority of event dates.
- Allow 2 weeks of notice if unable to attend an event, or portion of an event when possible.
- Review information directed to Plot through official Game methods for use at upcoming events.
- Online roleplay may be performed by a Plot Team member at their discretion, but is never required by EAO.
- Supply all story ideas to the Head of Plot to approve/deny/change to ensure the best continuing story.
- Write up tag requests a week before an event for review by the Head of Plot to be sent to Log.
- Participate in a creation of an Event Write-up and schedule detailing the story to be created at the event, abilities and motivations for all Cast roles, and any other pertinent information for the event a minimum 2 weeks before the event for review by Plot Manager and Head of Plot.
- Running of the written story during the event through respectful management of Dedicated Cast Members and Cast volunteers.
- Document the story, actions and results of each event. Communicate this documentation to the Plot team, Head of Plot and Plot Manager.
- Ensure that all character, player, plot or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of an Owner.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 1 year of event attendance
- Ability to work within a team
- An application sent to the Plot Manager and Head of Plot.
- This application should include your interest in joining Plot, if you are willing to join Dedicated Cast prior, and potential story ideas you wish to add into the world.
Term of Position
- A single Plot term is considered 1 year.
- Request for an additional term should be sent in 3 months prior to term end
- Extended term or shorter plot term can be allowed at the discretion of Plot Manager, Head of Plot and Owners. The shortest term is 6 months.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 5h
- During each Event: 1h
- 120 OC per event plus Plot, Marshal and Player XP earned converted to OC.
- OC total is not deducted for events missed as long as term is completed to satisfaction
- Free Meal Plan at attended events.
- Plot Appreciation option upon full completion of term to the satisfaction of Plot Manager (Options may include template, Bonus OC, rare Items, Components, or OC options. Other options may be available at term end.)
- May have 1 event off per term to play an approved Cast role for an event, this may be a PC character if specifically requested and approved by both Plot Manager and Owners.
- Training for any skill (CI 6 and above reviewed by Plot Manager/ Owners)
- May spend OC to purchase skills up to a character’s SP cap OR May convert 1,800 OC into SP for a character at or past SP cap.
- With Plot Manager and Owner permission may convert OC into SP for a single skill purchase up to a max of 12 skills.
- Total SP cap for a new character rises by 5 SP per event. (60 SP based on 12 events)
Dedicated Cast Member (Game)
This position is responsible for following the Plot Team’s directions to assist in creating and running the on-going story within an EAO game. This position works under the supervision of the Plot Manager, Head of Plot and all Plot Members
Specific Responsibilities
- Follow the directions of Plot Members in regards to their roles, creature abilities and role-play.
- Report their own actions and the actions of the other players they have witnessed to a Plot Member.
- Ensure the proper use and care of the costumes, props, tools and other EAO or game-owned property.
- Ensure that all character, player, plot or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of an Owner.
- Take on special or long-running roles given by Plot Members.
- Maintain a positive attitude towards Plot, other Cast members, Community and the game.
- Communicate which events you will be in attendance for at least 2 weeks prior to the event when possible.
- Pre-Register events you will be in attendance for as Dedicated Cast.
- Check in at event with both Log and with the Head of Plot when you arrive at events.
Term of Position
- Dedicated Cast term guarantees a number of events one will be able to Cast for and not log a Character. These terms are 4 events, 8 events or 12 events.
- Interest in extending a Dedicated Cast term should be sent to the Plot Manager or Head of Plot prior to the next event.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 2 events at an EAO game as either Cast or Player Character.
- Ability to work in a team, follow direction and attend events.
- An email sent to Plot Manager or Head of Plot stating your interest in Dedicated Cast and term.
- Approval from Plot Manager or Head of Plot.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 1h
- During each Event: 1h
- 75 OC per event.
4-Event Dedicated Cast
- 50 bonus OC at term completion
- +12 SP cap upon completion of term
- Reduced meal plan cost (One free meal each event, or $10 off full event Meal Plan)
- May Convert 150 OC into XP for skills onto a character for each event as Dedicated Cast (600 OC total converted to XP after 4-Event Dedicated Cast term.)
- Gain training for any skill (Above CI 6 requires permission from Plot Manager)
8-Event Dedicated Cast
- 120 bonus OC at term completion
- +24 SP cap upon completion of term
- Reduced meal plan cost (One free meal each event, or $10 off full event Meal Plan)
- Long term NPC role (For mod hooking, skill training, boss, or just fun)
- May Convert 150 OC into XP for skills onto a character for each event as Dedicated Cast (1200 OC total converted to XP after 8-Event Dedicated Cast term.)
- Gain training for any skill ( excluding CI 9 )
12-Event Dedicated Cast
- 200 bonus OC at term completion
- +48 SP cap upon completion of term
- Reduced meal plan cost (One free meal each event, or $10 off full event Meal Plan)
- Long term NPC role (For mod hooking, skill training, boss, or just fun)
- May Convert 150 OC into XP for skills onto a character for each event as Dedicated Cast (1800 OC total converted to XP after 12-Event Dedicated Cast term.)
- Gain training for any skill (CI 9 requires permission from Plot Manager)
Bonus appreciation package for 8 or 12 events as Dedicated Cast
These rewards are granted to a Dedicated Cast Member for exemplary performance while in the Position and given at the Plot Manager's Discretion.
8-Event Dedicated Cast Term
In-game Knowledge for your character based on world events you Casted for. To be reviewed by the Plot Manager.
+10 SP cap and 100 copper for a new character
12-Event Dedicated Cast Term
- All 8-Event Dedicated Cast Term rewards plus...
- Background perk such as a known Cast Character that can be contacted for information or training.
- One of the following:
- 3 levels of Magical Components (can be split into multiple components)
- 3 Times Ever magic item of a spell no greater than 3rd level
- Up to 30 gold worth of items (excess coin is not given to character)
- 1 illegal item below a 5th level spell/scroll
Cast Member (Game)
This position is responsible for following the Plot Team’s directions to assist in creating and running the on-going story within the EAO game. This position works under the supervision of the Plot Manager, Head of Plot and all Plot Members
Specific Responsibilities
- Follow the directions of Plot Members in regards to their roles, creature abilities and role-play.
- Report their own actions and the actions of the other players they have witnessed to a Plot Member.
- Ensure the proper use and care of the costumes, props, tools and other EAO or game-owned property.
- Ensure that all character, player, plot or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of the Owner.
Term of Position
- No set requirement.
Application Requirements
- None, just register each event.
- Head of Plot or Plot Manager may disallow a Player from Casting at Game at their discretion.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 0h
- During each Event: 1h
- 75 OC per event.
- Total SP cap for a new character rises by 2 SP per event.
Fantasy Alive and Dice Plot Member
This position is responsible for creating and running Fantasy Alive and Dice (FA&D) sessions. This position works under the supervision of the EAO Directors and Plot Manager (Fantasy Alive).
Specific Responsibilities
- Create adventures to run for FA&D sessions within the game world of Fantasy Alive in a challenging but enjoyable way for all players. All information used for these sessions must be recorded in the provided locations.
- Act as a representative of Fantasy Alive and treat all people with respect and kindness in all interactions with players of Fantasy Alive.
- The FA&D Plot Member begins their term under a probation period where they must submit all adventures they create to be reviewed by the Directors of EAO and/or Plot Manager before running as a session. This probation period may be lifted at any time by the Directors of EAO and/or Plot Manager.
- Be available for discussion or meetings with the Directors of EAO and/or Plot Manager for review or planning of FA&D adventures.
- Manage your own schedule of games with the group(s) you run for.
- Ensure that all adventures are designed within the set limits put down in the “Guidelines for FA&D Plot Team” document.
- For any adventure that advances the on-going story of Fantasy Alive, the FA&D Plot Member must document the story, actions and results of each event. This documentation must be communicated to the Plot Manager and any Plot Member associated with the story aspects used.
- Ensure that all character, player, plot or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of the Directors of EAO.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 1 year of event attendance
- Ability to work within a team
- Proven knowledge of the Roll20 website.
- An application sent to the Directors of EAO to be reviewed by Plot Manager which includes:
- Experience in Fantasy Alive.
- Experience with table-top systems.
- Experience with the Roll20 website, player GM or otherwise.
- At least one fully prepared Adventure submitted with all information required on website form: (https://fantasyalivelrp.com/pages/fa-d-plot-team-application-form)
Term of Position
- Held until requested to leave by the FA&D Plot Team member or removed by the Directors of EAO or Plot Manager.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 7h
- During each Event: 0h
- 100 OC per session run.
Head of Lore (Game System)
This position is responsible for managing Lore entries and organisation of one game system of EAO. This position works under the supervision of the Plot Manager and Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Work with writers to produce official EAO game system Lore.
- Review all documents and approve all aspects before publishing on the EAO game system public Lore location.
- Seek approval from the Directors of EAO and Plot Manager for pieces of Lore which may be sensitive, game-altering or otherwise important before publishing.
- Work to flesh out available Lore information by
- ensuring a wide range of information available.
- new writers are brought in to contribute as needed or on a single lore piece basis.
- ranking lore in order of importance and publishing higher priority lore first.
- Ensure the Wiki remains organised and easily accessible.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at the Directors of EAO’s discretion.
Application Requirements
- Must have a proven understanding of the EAO game system world.
- Plot Experience required.
- Experience with document editing and formatting.
- Clear written communication skills.
- Approval from Directors of EAO and Plot Manager.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 6h
- During each Event: 0h
- 100 OC per month.
- 200 OC (plus potential bonuses for more complicated lore pieces) for each Lore entry completed and approved.
Lore Writer (Game System)
This position is responsible for writing and developing materials contributing to the lore and setting of an EAO game system. This includes creating and editing details on persons, places, history, races and many other important aspects of the setting to help bring the EAO game system to life. This position works under the supervision of the Head of Lore and Plot Manager of that game system and the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Work with Head of Lore and other Writers to produce official EAO game system Lore.
- Produce written lore topics for publication on the EAO game system public Lore location.
- Be open to constructive criticism and suggestions from the Head of Lore, Owners, Plot Manager, Directors of EAO or other members of the Lore Team on written materials.
- Provide feedback and suggestions to documents prepared by other members of the Wiki Lore Team.
- Seek approval from the Head of Lore for pieces of Lore before starting any work effort and prior to publication on the EAO game system Wiki.
- Work to flesh out available Lore information by…
- … following the Lore topic agenda provided by the Head of Lore.
- …providing feedback and suggestions to topics covered in priority order by the Lore team
- …providing updates on topics being worked on and their status’ using the Lore tracking sheet
- Take an active role in Lore discussion with other members of the Wiki Lore team.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Directors of EAO’s or the Head of Lore’s discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 6 months of event attendance.
- Experience with document editing and formatting.
- Clear written communication skills.
- Provide a small writing sample for review by the Head of Lore and the Directors of EAO.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 4h
- During each Event: 0h
- 25 OC per event attended.
- 300 OC (plus potential bonuses for more complicated lore pieces) for each Lore entry completed and approved.
Editor of the Story (Game System)
This position is responsible for producing the official public story of the specified EAO game system from submissions. This position works under the supervision of the Plot Manager and Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Collect Player submissions from Lore email account.
- Review and edit submissions received based on requirements below
- Provide a complete story to Plot Manager, Head of Plot and Owners for final review.
- Post completed story to all approved locations.
- Log player submissions for Logistics Team for OC awards to writers.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at the Directors of EAO’s discretion.
Application Requirements
- Proven experience with the written word.
- Proven ability to handle meta-knowledge properly.
- Approval from Plot Manager and Directors of EAO.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 3h
- During each Event: 1h
- 20 OC for each event attended.
- 75 OC for each Event Story submitted and approved.
Submission Guidelines:
- Submission must be written entirely from an In Game perspective.
- Must not include any information that is not commonly known (We won’t reveal any secrets in these stories).
- Must be written with respect to other Players and Characters. Insulting stories (even if true) will not be used. Any player wishing for a part of a story to be removed once posted may request it of the Editor ( at lore@fantasyalivelrp.com) and will be taken down ASAP.
- Stories are not guaranteed to be used. Use of a submission is at the discretion of the Editor, Plot Manager and Owners.
- The writer of any story used (regardless of length) will be given 25 OC.
Head of Rules (Game System)
This position is responsible for all matters pertaining to the rules of one EAO game system. This position works under the supervision of the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Manage and reply to all submissions on the specific online space designed for players to ask rules questions.
- May gather Marshals and/or specific players to request feedback on a rule at their discretion.
- At their discretion, may provide questions or suggested rules to Owners, Plot Manger or the Directors of EAO for review.
- Review and edit the official game system rulebook.
- Respond to rule questions submitted to the Rules email.
- Collect rule change suggestions submitted to the Rules email for consideration.
- At their discretion, for one month each year (based on the game system) they may provide a commentable copy of the full EAO game system rulebook to players.
- Regulate comments on the rulebook to ensure civility and constructive ideas are put forth.
- Delete any comments deemed offensive or unproductive. Warn commenters of any transgressions and bring to Directors of EAO and/or Owners attention any commenters that fail to comply after first warning for Corrective Action.
- When the month is complete, remove access to the rulebook and compile comments into a document for Rule Marshal review. Document must be available for review 1 month following public commenting and available for 3 months.
- Compile Rule Marshal review and finalise suggested edits to the Official Rulebook.
- Provide completed suggested edits to Plot Manager, Owners and the Directors of EAO.
- Compile final decisions by Plot Manager, Owners and Directors of EAO for rule changes and edit the Official Rulebook to make available within 1 month.
- Moderate the Marshal online spaces and provide final ruling on rules clarifications requested on the Marshal board.
- Ensure Marshals are acting with civility and constructive ideas are put forth. Delete any comments deemed offensive or unproductive. Warn commenters of any transgressions and bring to Owners attention any commenters that fail to comply after first warning for Corrective Action.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at the Directors of EAO’s discretion.
Application Requirements
- Must have read all Rule Change Documents previously issued by EAO for the game system.
- Experience with document editing and formatting.
- Clear written communication skills.
- Approval from the Directors of EAO and Owners.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 10h
- During each Event: 1h
- 20 OC per event attended.
- 20 OC per hour spent on Rulebook Changes/Edits
Rules Marshal (Game)
This position is responsible for ensuring the following of the rules of an EAO game system during the course of an event. This position works under the supervision of the Owner of the Game and Head of Rules for that Game System.
Specific Responsibilities
- Answer questions during an EAO game event concerning the rules of the game. When possible, deferring a question to another Rule Marshal not directly involved in the concern.
- Ensure that all players are following the rules of the game during an event while maintaining the flow of the role-play and game atmosphere as much as possible, i.e. stopping play for major issues while discussing minor infractions afterwards during a calm moment in-game.
- Report issues surrounding the rules to the Head of Rules and an Owner.
- Ensure that all character, player, plot or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of an Owner.
- Sign up for a shift during Logistics when possible to cover rules questions and assist logistics before the beginning of each game.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at an Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 6 months of event attendance
- Proven record of fairness and understanding of the EAO game’s rules
- Completion of a short interview question period completed at any Logistics on site.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 0h
- During each Event: 1.5h
- 5 OC per event attended.
- 20 OC per shift covered during Logistics
Weapon Marshal (Game)
This position is responsible for ensuring the safety of all weapons used at each event. This position works under the supervision of the Owners.
Specific Responsibilities
- Be available, when possible, for a set time at the designated Marshal location before each event to check all player weapons brought to events to ensure they meet the safety requirements within the game’s Rulebook.
- Check or complete other tasks at the Marshal location based on the game system:
- Fantasy Alive: Check for tags securely attached to their phys-reps.
- Dormancy: Hand out dart allotments to appropriate characters.
- One Weapon Marshal each event must check all Cast weapons for safety before the event begins. This may be done instead of the first responsibility.
- Ensure that weapons which do not pass the safety requirements are fixed or are not used during events.
- Provide suggestions and advice to players on how to create safe weapons.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 6 months of event attendance
- Proven record of fairness and understanding of the Fantasy Alive Safety Rules
- Completion of a short interview question period completed at any Logistics on site.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 0h
- During each Event: 1.5h
- 5 OC per event attended.
- 20 OC per shift covered during Logistics and/or for safety-checking Cast weapons
Armour Marshal (Game)
This position is responsible for ensuring armour physical representations used at events are safe and properly counted for Armour Points. This position works under the supervision of the Owners.
Specific Responsibilities
- Be available for a set time at the designated Marshal location before each event to assist with armour questions.
- Answer questions and give suggestions about the rules of armour within the game system playing.
- Check each armour or shield for sharp or otherwise dangerous parts and ensure any piece not safe for use is not used.
- Specific Requirements based on the EAO game system:
- Fantasy Alive:
- Assign an armour type to each new piece of armour brought by players.
- Assist players with counting armour locations and Armour Points.
- Dormancy:
- Check costuming pieces to confirm for use as armour or not.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 2 months of event attendance
- Proven record of fairness and understanding of the Fantasy Alive Safety and Armour Rules
- Completion of a short interview question period completed at any Logistics on site.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events:
- During each Event:
- 5 OC per event attended.
- 20 OC per shift covered during Logistics
EAO Support Team
This position is responsible for providing support for players and all positions within EAO games. They will generally assist players by bringing their concerns to the proper person to be handled, but they may also remain within the request for support if requested by any of the parties involved. This position works under the supervision of the Owners and Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Be available during EAO game events for players to speak to for support requests.
- Be available between EAO game events to assist players and Position holders.
- Assist players with reporting issues or requests for assistance to Owners.
- Following completion of a Support Case, they must take one month of break from all responsibilities of the Position. Returning to the Team at the discretion of the Support Team member and the EAO Directors.
- Maintain the privacy of any player approaching the EAO Support Team member if so requested.
- Work directly with any players or Position to assist in resolving requests for support.
- Assist in the timely response to emails sent to the EAO Support Team email.
- Ensure that all character, player, investigation or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of an Owner.
- May be authorised to do investigations for Owners and/or EAO Directors at their request and the agreement of the EAO Support Team member.
- EAO Support Team members are NOT authorised to do any punishments or corrective actions as these must be decided and laid down by an Owner.
- Formal training will be provided by EAO to assist in the Position.
Term of Position
- 3 year term with option for renewal.
- May be removed from the Position at the EAO Support Team member’s request or at the discretion of the EAO Directors.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 6 months of event attendance
- Proven record of fairness and sensitivity to Player’s needs
- Completion of formal training courses equivalent or provided by EAO Directors.
- A non-disclosure agreement must be agreed upon and signed.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 4h
- During each Event: 1.5h
- 150 OC per event attended.
- 1 Free event for each Case resolved to the satisfaction of the EAO Consultant and the Owner(s).
EAO RoundTable
This position is responsible for knowledge and expert opinions to the EAO Directors for use in developing and updating game and company-wide policies. This position works under the supervision of the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Discuss and provide recommendations on all submissions for changes or additions to the Code of Conduct.
- Act as an opinion and resource for Directors to approach as a group with ideas to discuss.
- Responsible reviewing and/or drafting official policies for EAO for use in all, some or one of the Games.
- Policy Consultants must privately approach the Directors with their ideas for improvements so that the Directors then may choose to bring the ideas to be discussed and developed by all of the Policy Consultants. This is done for because:
- Some suggestions for improvements may fall outside the responsibility of the Policy Consultant’s role and so will be brought to the appropriate people for discussion.
- Some suggestions may have already been considered and rejected by the Directors or Policy Consultants (or previous advisors).
- Some suggestions may not be appropriate for all Policy Consultants to take part in due to personal choice or conflicts of interest.
- Ensure that all character, player, investigation or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of an Owner.
Term of Position
- 1 year term with option for renewal.
- May be removed from the Position at the EAO Policy Consultant’s request or at the discretion of the EAO Directors.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 6 months of event attendance
- Proven record of fairness and sensitivity to Player’s needs
- Requires application to Owners with this information:
- Why do you want to be on it?
- What is your background/Experience/Expertise?
- What makes you think you would be good for the role?
- What will you do in the role to better the community?
- Are there any topics which you do not feel comfortable participating in discussion?
- A written suggestion for an improvement to EAO or an EAO game, including directions on how to use the suggestion to make actual, useful and positive change to the game(s).
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 4h
- During each Event: 0h
- 30 OC per event attended.
- 200 OC per policy created/updated by Consultant and approved/implemented by Owner(s)"
First Aid Supplier (Game)
This position is responsible for managing the First Aid Kits to ensure they are complete and properly stocked for each event. This position works under the supervision of the Owners.
Specific Responsibilities
- Work with other First Aid Suppliers to complete all responsibilities at each event. (Team of 2-3)
- Create a list of all supplies required in all EAO game First Aid Kits on site.
- Review each First Aid Kit at the end of each event to check for supplies which are:
- Used
- Missing
- Expired
- Damaged or otherwise unusable
- Between events, purchase supplies needed and bring them to the next event.
- Receipts must be kept and presented to Owners for reimbursement.
- At the beginning of each event, restock all First Aid Kits with necessary supplies.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Must have First Aid or medical training.
- Proven understanding of what First Aid Supplies should be present.
- Reasonably regular attendance at events.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 1h
- During each Event: 0.5h
- 50 OC per event upkeeping First Aid supplies.
EAO Web Coordinator
This position is responsible for maintaining, updating and collecting information from EAO’s official web spaces. This position works under the supervision of the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Create event payment options and update as events pass and new schedules are created.
- Collect new content for the EAO and EAO game websites from any Positions necessary. Develop and publish this information following the theme of the websites.
- Regularly review website design to ensure ease of use, accessiblity and correct information.
- Ensure that all character, player, investigation or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of an Owner.
Term of Position
- Permanent until resigned by the player or removed at the Directors of EAO’s discretion.
Application Requirements
- Experience with Wordpress and website design.
- Reasonable online availability.
- Approval from Directors of EAO.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 5h
- During each Event: 0h
- 20 OC per hour spent on EAO webspace work.
Social Media Organizer (Game System)
This position is responsible for maintaining, updating and organising the social media accounts of an EAO Game System. This position works under the supervision of the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Collecting and maintaining a bank of pictures, videos and post-worthy information. Consult with Owners and Plot when in need of new content.
- Creating a schedule of postings and content to ensure regular updates.
- Working with all other Positions to provide advertising and awareness for upcoming events or changes.
- Ensure that all character, player, investigation or other information collected is kept private and only provided at the discretion of an Owner.
Term of Position
- 2 year term with option for renewal.
- May be removed from the Position at the Social Media Organiser’s request or at the discretion of the EAO Directors.
Application Requirements
- Experience with social media.
- Reasonable online availability.
- Approval from Directors of EAO.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 8h
- During each Event: 1h
- 150 OC per month
Head of Merchandise (EAO)
This position is responsible for designing, organising and maintaining the merchandise sold by EAO and by approved sellers. This position works under the supervision of the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Regularly research and determine the best options for merchandise creation and distribution.
- Bring potential sellers of merchandise to EAO Directors for approval to sell on EAO spaces.
- Work with approved sellers to ensure their products are properly listed and priced.
- Work with EAO Directors, Web Coordinator, Social Media Organiser and sellers to provide advertising and awareness of products to the players and public.
- Work with EAO Directors and sellers to ensure the agreed upon split of payment for merchandise is completed.
- Bring on additional Merchandise Team members as required and approved by the EAO Directors.
Term of Position
- Permanent until resigned by the player or removed at the Directors of EAO’s discretion.
Application Requirements
- Experience with Shopify or similar online marketing spaces.
- Reasonable online availability.
- Proven organisation and business knowledge.
- Approval from Directors of EAO.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 5h
- During each Event: 1h
- 150 OC per month
- Free event per $150 gross of EAO Merch sold.
Online Space Moderator (Game System)
This position is responsible for regulating the use of official EAO online spaces based on the rules of each space and the Code of Conduct. This position works under the supervision of the Owners and the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Work with any other Online Space Moderators to ensure coverage over all official EAO online spaces for that Game System.
- Within the spaces specifically responsible for…
- Read each piece of information put up on the online space to ensure it follows all specific rules of the space as well as the Code of Conduct.
- Check each link to non-official EAO spaces to ensure no malicious, inappropriate or harmful content is connected to EAO.
- Confirm with the EAO Directors that any advertising from businesses other than EAO or EAO games put up has been granted permission.
- Make a copy of any materials which break rules or the Code of Conduct and provide all details concerning it to the Owners. (Screenshots are preferred.) Once the details are provided, remove the materials and provide a notice to the offender of the rule or part of the Code of Conduct they have breached.
- For materials on the online spaces that are of concern but do not break any specific rule or part of the Code of Conduct, copies of the materials should be made and provided to the Owners for guidance on any actions.
Term of Position:
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ and Web Coordinator’s discretion.
Application Requirements:
- Clear written communication skills.
- Reasonably consistent availability to their assigned EAO online space.
- Experience with previous moderation preferred.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 2h
- During each Event: 0h
- 40 OC per event attended.
Head of Convention Organisation
This position is responsible for the organisation and execution of attendance of EAO at conventions and exhibits. This position works under the supervision of the Owners and the Directors of EAO.
Specific Responsibilities
- Collect and maintain a list of conventions available for EAO to attend including all necessary details (i.e. dates, materials, costs, attendants required, etc.)
- Gather all materials for use at conventions and request any additional materials needed from the Directors of EAO.
- Plan and organise volunteers, staff and materials for conventions.
- Provide or arrange transportation for convention materials to and from each convention attended.
- Attend, or assign another volunteer to attend, to provide leadership to all volunteers and staff at each convention.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at the Directors of EAO’s discretion.
Application Requirements
- Experience with conventions.
- Vehicle with reasonable storage space preferred.
- Proven understanding of EAO Game Systems.
- Approval from the Directors of EAO.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 6h
- During each Event: 0h
- 150 OC per month.
- 1 Free event for each convention used to promote EAO (subject to the satisfaction of the Directors of EAO.)
Boffer Construction Crew
This position is responsible for ensuring the phys-rep weapons and shields used by Plot and Cast are in good condition and in an adequate supply. This position works under the supervision of the Owners and Head of Plot.
Specific Responsibilities
- Review the weapons and shields owned by each EAO game at the end of each event.
- Take any damaged weapons or shields with them after an event, repair and return them at the next event.
- Create new weapons or shields for an EAO game as requested by the Head of Plot and approved by Owners.
- Create special commissions requested by the Head of Plot and approved by an Owner.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 3 months of event attendance
- Proven examples of quality weapon and/or shield construction and reliability.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 3h
- During each Event: 0.5h
- OC granted per item created or fixed.
- Special Commissions requiring additional materials may be partially or fully reimbursed by EAO on a case-by-case basis.
Prop Construction Crew
This position is responsible for creation and maintenance of props used for EAO game events. This position works under the supervision of the Owners and Head of Plot.
Specific Responsibilities
- At Head of Plot and/or Owner’s request, take any damaged props with them after an event, repair and return them at the next event.
- Create new props for an EAO game as requested by the Head of Plot and approved by an Owner.
- Create special commissions requested by the Head of Plot and approved by an Owner.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 3 months of event attendance
- Proven examples of quality prop construction and reliability.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 2h
- During each Event: 0h
- OC granted per item created or fixed.
- Special Commissions requiring additional materials may be partially or fully reimbursed by EAO on a case-by-case basis.
Costume Creation Crew
This position is responsible for creation and maintenance of costumes used for EAO game events. This position works under the supervision of the Owners and Head of Plot.
Specific Responsibilities
- At Head of Plot and/or Owner’s request, take any damaged costumes with them after an event, repair and return them at the next event.
- Create new costumes for EAO games as requested by the Head of Plot and approved by an Owner.
- Create special commissions requested by the Head of Plot and approved by an Owner.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 3 months of event attendance
- Proven examples of quality costume creation and reliability.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 2h
- During each Event: 0h
- OC granted per item created or fixed.
- Special Commissions requiring additional materials may be partially or fully reimbursed by EAO on a case-by-case basis.
Packet Creation Crew
This position is responsible for creation of Packets (Spell, Alchemy, Rock, etc.) used for EAO game events. This position works under the supervision of the Owners and Head of Plot.
Specific Responsibilities
- Create new packets for EAO games as requested by the Head of Plot and approved by Owners.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 3 months of event attendance
- Proven examples of quality Packets.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 1h
- During each Event: 0h
- OC granted per quantity of Packets created 1 OC per Packet.
Head of PC Base Maintenance and Head of Cast Base Maintenance (Game)
These positions are responsible for ensuring the setup and cleaning up of the main spaces used by EAO games at events, the central location for players to gather (i.e. the Tavern in Fantasy Alive) and the Cast mustering location. Each location has a separate Position. These positions work under the supervision of the Owners.
Specific Responsibilities
- Receive a setup/clean up checklist from Owners at the beginning of the event.
- Setup:
- Organise the setup of their location as per the checklist.
- Ensure all tasks are complete before the start of the event.
- Check off tasks done by people assisting under their names.
- Cleanup:
- Organise the clean up of their location as per the checklist.
- Ensure all tasks on the checklist are complete by the cut-off time of that EAO game at the end of the event.
- Check off tasks done by people assisting under their names.
- Return the completed check-list to the Owners.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Some experience cleaning.
- Approval from Owners.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 0h
- During each Event: 4h
- Additional 50 OC per event above the amount earned through standard setup/clean up rewards.
Kitchen / Meal Preparation Crew (Game)
This position is responsible for assisting in the preparation, cooking and cleaning of the meals served as part of an EAO game Meal Plan. This position works under the supervision of the Owners.
Specific Responsibilities
- Sign up before the event for assistance with meals.
- Follow the direction of the Owners in preparing meals.
- Clean and wash dishes (if signed up for dishes)
- Assist with serving meals to players.
- Mark off the provided checklist with which meals they assisted with for OC reward purposes.
Term of Position
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements
- Some experience with food preparation or cleaning.
- Approval from Owners.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 0h
- During each Event: 3h
- OC based on participation in meal preparation and time spent during events.
Character History Team (Game System)
This position is responsible for reviewing, responding to and preparing for Plot use, character histories submitted by players. This position works under the supervision of the Plot Manager and Owners.
Specific Responsibilities:
- Work with any other Character History Team members to ensure all character histories submitted are processed.
- Maintain regular access to the character history email.
- Read all character histories sent in and send feedback to the submitting player. Feedback can include:
- Requests for re-writes should the history be not appropriate to the EAO game world.
- Suggestions for edits to allow for more interesting aspects for Plot to use.
- Requests for further important information (names of important people, place of origin, etc.)
- Discuss the history with the submitting player as per the Character History Team member’s discretion.
- Review the character history and apply the rubric to determine the XP or OC earned for the submission.
- Log the XP/OC earned for the character and any other pertinent information on a document provided by Logistics.
- Update the EAO game Character History database with the story as well as parsed required information for ease of Plot use.
Term of Position:
- Permanent until requested by the player or removed at Owners’ discretion.
Application Requirements:
- Clear written communication skills.
- Proven knowledge of the EAO game world.
Expected Time Spent each month on Position:
- Between Events: 1.5h
- During each Event: 0h
- 25 OC for each new character history fully complete and logged.
- 10 OC for each resubmission fully completed and logged.
New Player Rep
This position works to ensure a welcoming atmosphere for players who are new to Fantasy Alive. They work to support Players during their first few events, providing help with rules, guidance around the site and other actions to help new players. This position reports to the Owners of EAO games.
Specific Responsibilities
- Run a New Player Orientation session at the beginning of each official event which provides the information necessary for New Players. Document created and shared on the New Player discussion group.
- Check and respond to emails sent to the New Player email. Consult with the appropriate Position or the Owners of the EAO game for any questions which cannot easily be answered.
- Meet with new players to the game and aid in providing guidance on how to Log, prep for the event and otherwise prepare themselves to get into game for the event.
- Assist with new players during the event to help get them engaged into the story of the event.
Term of Position
- 2 years
- May be extended by request of the player with approval by the Directors of EAO in consultation with the Owners of EAO games the New Player Rep works in.
Application Requirements
- Minimum 1 year of active game participation (10-12 events, Character, Cast or Plot)
- Proven understanding of the game system they are applying for.
- Approachable and welcoming for any player joining the game.
- Good verbal and written communication skills.
- 20 OC per Logistics period, regardless of event attendance.
- 20 OC per event performing the New Player Orientation and assisting new players.